Tuesday, October 21, 2003

ok wow... I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY Hate to admit this... But i must blog about it so i must admit to this harsh fate. Tristan, successfully, cussed me out. I know, it is hard to believe. and FTR i know that "black" is not a language... but dammit i wish it was... then i could speak and write TWO! that would be sweet. Yes. Sometimes i wish i could cry about sad things. But nothing seems to be worth it. I mean, i read something tonite that was sad, and i wanted to cry, but i physically couldnt. Its not just that one thing either. I seriously cant cry anymore. I can be depressed, but not cry. It is nice to be wanted though...
The pimpette,
PS. Do not take your anger out on me.


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