Thursday, September 18, 2003

ATTENTION EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Simply for the fact that she cannont spell! hehe and although i muchly enjoyed the fact that her lastest blog was FOR ME... It kinda made me sad but mostly happy!

Please read...

I will call it Road Trip Song

This is for all you girls about thirteen
High school can be so ruff can be so mean
Hold on to, on to your inocense
Stand your ground when everybodys giving in

This ones for the girls

This is for all you girls about 25
in little apartments just trying to get by
living on on dreams and spagetti o's *insert actions there*
wondering where your lifes gonna go

This ones for the girls
Whove ever had a broken heart
whos wished upon a shooting star
your beautiful the way you are
this ones for the girls
who laugh without holding back
who dream with everything the have
all aroud the world
this ones for the girls

this ones for all the girls

this is for all you girls abour 42
tossing pennies into the fountain of youth
every laugh, laugh line on your face
made you who you are today

This ones for the girls
Whove ever had a broken heart
whove wished upon a shooting star
your beautiful the way you are
this ones for the girls
who laugh without holding back
who dream with everything the have
all around the world
this ones for the girls

yeah were all the same in size *same in size* PLEASE NOTE!!! the song ACTUALLY GOES Ya, were all the same INSIDE *same inside*
from 1 to 99

this ones for the girls
whove ever had a brocken heart *quite*
whove wished upon a shooting star
your beautiful the way you are

this ones for the girls
who laugh without holding back
who dream with everything the have
all around the world
this ones for the girls

Live theatre is brilliant. I saw Plan B tonite. It was about Fucking. Politics. And Quebec separating. It was lovely considering the plot line. An excellent script mostly great characters. 4 politicians, so of course there was a lot of swearing and cheating and lieing. Good times. Definately good times! Ushering is quite fun. Free theatre out of the deal, so i cant go wrong!!! Anywho, tristan hates me, but thats ok cuz ben says i still have everyone else...hahaha... i win!!! i shall be off to converse with the parental units.... someone help me!

sum interesting quotes from tonite....
"its based on a feeling, not that im a big fan of those, but what the fuck can you do?!"
"trust comes and goes, you cant trust it"
all from Plan B... Ill getcha the playright later...OH!!! I saw Eugene Stickland tonite... He had green hair... interesting.
Jaryd (the unhated one)


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