Sunday, September 21, 2003

so... i am super tired... Jolenes room has 2 coats of paint... the lawn has been weedwhacked and mowed... and i should be sleeping right now, but thats just not an option. I am quite sore actually, painting a room with very little help can be painful cuz ur trying to stretch as far as you can and reaching for things that are just that little bit out of the way... i only survived because of the music and multiple slurpees... and im still not done... im done for the nite, but there is more to do and i need help! even my mom admits that she cant help me. That makes me sad. SO if anyone feels like devoting an after noon to helpin me out that would be super!!! but you guys have lives... thats right... well, most of anyway, i believe saturday/sunday will be a day of movies... you are all invited and i shall let you know more details... it all depends when ill be finished my annual project. its coming along quite nicely although i think jolene will kill me for painting her room "strawberry Daquiri" hey, it had liquor in it so i assumed she'd like it... LOL. no i think its nice, and with some gold accents it will be prettiful (full of pretty). anyway... i have war wounds... 9 to be exact... i know you do as well, at least im not missing skin...hahahaha!!! i win.... not really. ANYWAY, i went insane in fabric land on saturday, it was goo fun, after being there for two hours i hysterically bursted out laughing and couldnt stop, there i am in the middle of the store falling onto the rolls of fabric without a clue why... good times.... ok i CAN NOT spell times, i always have to correct myself because it shows up as bugs me.... anyway, i downloaded the Johnny cash version of hurt tonite... im not sure which one i like better... NIN or good ol Johnny... ill have to think about it...
at any rate i believe that is all...
ttfn, Jarebear


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