Wednesday, September 17, 2003

I have a new nickname... It is Jarebeat. Ya that right. BOOYAW!!! Anyway, i had a lovely evening in subway tonite. Its the new hang out. Somehow Kels and I started planning ickies. It was great fun! Definatly good times. But ya, we have some excellent ideas and YES i DO realize it is september, and Ickies is in June, But it is my baby!!!(Sept - June is nine months, just so ya know) I have to start planning as soon as possible. I have about a page of ideas... I may be a loser, but at least im not alone. Omgoodness i just inadvertantly wrote Gob lyrics in my blog. Wow. Anyway, my parents are currently dicussing how horrible they are to each other. Boo fucking Hoo, i have officially run out of sympathy. So ya, I still wish to be shot. No one will do the honors though. Maybe I will feel better if I can forget the moment i keep reliving. It causes me unnecissary pain. I am also trying to fight off this horrid feeling of regret, because i regret nothing in my life, but i know i should have done it differently, if i had maybe i wouldnt be as upset as i am. I never seem to protect myself. I should work on that.
ttfn, Jaryd


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