Wednesday, September 24, 2003

HEY!... so my ears just popped. It sounded funny, ANYWAY. I TOTALLY KICKED KELSEYS ASS!!!!! BOOYAW! i dont know how it got started... Oh ya thats right, I CANT DRIVE WITH KELSEY IN THE CAR. THen i said "As soon as this car is stopped i am going to fuck you up. i will fong you!" and then i did... it was good times. :P So i just finished drilling holes into dresser drawers... redoing a room is difficult, but i know that it will be super when its done.
On a different note, i got a little jealous today... Im not particularily proud of that, but nonetheless i felt it and shall have to improve on that state of mind. And also, Grr on yet another note. but yay, my hot sexy car. :D and apparently im hot and sexy too!!!lol seriously makes me happy inside. but ya, i discovered today that i dont have to study to do well... it kinda makes me sad, but happy at the same time. I dunno, it gives me no satisfaction anymore and thusly i need to get out of high school. so i can ruin my life elsewhere.
I will end with a quote...
"homosexual marriages dont kill people, people kill people."
ttfn, Jaryd
PS. the lead singer from Staind is beautiful in everyway...


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