Thursday, September 25, 2003

I have found my brilliant thought... One day... everyone should come to school... painted in latex paint. And they would have clothes on as well (sorry em) Seriously though, how cool would that be! we could get there and just parade around the school saying "thats right im painted. What colour are you?" cuz when you think about it everyone has a certain colour to them. Its not necessarily their fav colour, but i guess more the colour of their soul. mind you that colour changes constantly for most. But if we did do that I bet people would lie about what colour they ACTUALLY were. For the most part We always hide who we are no matter where we are. Its quite sickening really. People are friends with you and like you cuz of something you wear to protect yourself, then when the real you comes out they dont know what the hell is going on. And they cant handle this change in you because they have never seen it and have never experianced it because they are to afraid of what people might think if they are themselves instead of some fabricated image of a try hard Britney spears. That is what the world is coming to. Mini Skanky spears' walking all over the place thinking theyre hot shit when really, they dont even know who they are or what they are going to be. Its such crap.

How did this blog go from a fun day with latex to skanks... must be the fumes...
ttfn, Jellybean


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