Tuesday, September 16, 2003

Can someone please shoot me because I cant do it myself...

So last nite could not have been worse. My parents are 12 year olds and thusly I cannot talk to them about anything because then I end up arguing with children. It is definatly not pleasent. Grr. When I'm at home I just wanna disappear. But I cant. They are so selfish. They have this gift of being able to turn ANYTHING into something about them or something that will reflect on them negitivly. I just wanna tell them to grow up and stop hating me because I have the ability to be happy. Fuck you, you fucking fucks. Oh ya, and everyone, I am untouchable. This is so stupid. I need some clarity. I mean they can tell me I have to have kids and get married and blah blah blah but the minute someone is supposed to touch me in a play its a big fucking deal. ITS ACTING. I love them, and I loathe them. Boo for them, they can suck my cock. Have a nice nite everyone!


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