Sunday, September 14, 2003

I have only 2 words of importance...
ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok so i obviously have more than 2 words to say but those are definatley the most important ones... oh and FUCK MIKE... not literally of course. ANYWAY, i couldnt believe that Jolene ACTUALLY let me leave town to go camping with 3 friends AND take the car... Crazy psycho is all i can say. Omgoodness those were such good times!!! MEMORIES ** in a ghetto voice while punching chest twice then makes a peice sign** that was for emily...:D Best moment of the weekend, I was just driving along minding my own business when all of the sudden this horrendous raptor sneeze comes from the seat beside me and this green chunk of sumthing flies out of its mouth heading straight for me and all i can do is scream! Then laugh hysterically cuz i finally understand, Kelsey has a cold and she sneezed and her halls flew out of her mouth.
good times...Ive gone back to the whole ADD thing again cuz i have so much i wanna say!!! ok so, i ve discovered that the reason i may not like Katy as much as i should is because we are quite alike... I quite enjoyed camping with her, for a while it seemed like we were the only people there, crazy. Anyway, so Katy and I got along great last nite and kels was sick and thusly i am sick, not just cuz of her but because it was sooooooooooo freaking cold last nite!!! so ya, that leads me to my next point of PAIN... seriously hurts. i have a really bad cold... NOT HAPPY. Next, i hurt my voice at the stamps game... which we won!!!!!!!! WAAHOO!!! WERE # 7!!!!! WERE #7!!!!!!!!! hehehe... Mr.Jobb is gonna be pissed at me... meh... WWWF was on friday nite... yes i know there are 3 w's. i decided to stay out of it this time....:S
I shall end with a quote from my bestfriend, "Most guys would rather have a peice of ass then a relationship." Not that we didnt know that already. oh ya... i saw kyle today, that was quite weird.
nothin but luv,


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