Sunday, August 14, 2005

seriously, its affecting my health.

1. the word "just" has terrible connotations... but i do have incredible self control... i did not beat a ho. nor did i call the popo.... yo.

2. its sad cuz it didnt have to be this way. theres nothing else i can say on this matter.

3. i saw a shooting star last night. at the perfect moment. how is it that i always see the first one? there werent anymore after that, so i can only take that as a sign. im starting to consider the option that i am slowly going crazy and that im seeing things. cuz stuff like that is happening more and more. but it was so bright and so colourful. we were on that hill and it seemed so close. like i could touch it. pure beauty. its instilled in my memory, the waterfall, a caring friend, and then a shooting star. absolute perfection. the wish was even better, but i cant tell you about it. its a secret.

4. i cant stop shaking. i thought its cuz i was cold, but now i am warm... and the shakes have progressed to something different... i feel... i dont know. my whole body aches. its unpleasant.

5. "it used to be entertaining, but now he doesn't perform as well"

6. "it looks like the sky has snow stuck on it"

7. "i'm your daddy" *Brandon passes out like a senile drunk*

8. "it only took 2 fucking years"

9. now that i talked about the end ill talk about the beginning, i win. i always do. i have made people proud and hopefully i will continue to do so.... or else i may drive some people mad. "you have to do something about that boy"... right.

10. i forgot to tell you something about after your play and also, thanks for the back tickling : ) love.

ttfn, Jaryd.....


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