Monday, July 11, 2005

"How can you look at me like I was just another one of your deals?"

Hey Everybody, so most of you only know the shitty parts of my vacation so now, im going to go through my thought book and give you a summary of the awesome time i had. YAY!

July 3:
We got on an earlier than planned flight. security was interesting, i had my shoes scanned. thats never happened to me before... it only took 15 minutes to get to Vancouver though ;) on the way to port there was a protester against the religious executions in china. that was interestning cuz he was camped out with this huge poster behind him. at the port i quickly grabbed a postcard and the lady said she'd send it... i wasnt so sure. Moving on, walking onto a boat was seriously like a freaking movie. exactly like it. except that im pretty sure in the movies when you walk on the boat the characters hear something other than Madonna's "Express Yourself" (im pretty sure thats what its called) thats was so funny though. We went in and everytime you get on the boat you have to sanitize your hands... it was a little creepy. Then someone pushed my mom for me, i felt a little lost, cuz ever since i was little thats been my job. anyway, we get to our room and i see my bunk so im like, great, i have to climb up there somehow... so i figure it out and with my amazing amount of upper body strength i pull myself up there. its pretty comfy. then my mother goes to put something in the closet and finds the ladder, it was pretty funny. the next funny thing was that i was eating lunch with my mom on deck and she spotted a hot black man so she goes, "top deck 11 o'clock" my moms awesome. i had a nap that afternoon but i had to wake up cuz there was an emergency drill where we had to (when i say we, i mean the whole freaking boat) evacuate basically, put on a life saver, and stand in little designated groups waitng for our emergency boat thing. umm, after that i drank illegally on deck at the farewell land bbq thing. i like pina coladas... 745 that nite i discovered a goregeous place. basically at the back of the boat. i spent most of my late evenings there. i had been writing for about 25 minutes when a guy named Roy came over and asked if i was ok. hes from south america and asked if i wanted to hang out sometime. i went back to my happy place and it was raining a beautiful rain like you can only find on the coast. it was dark out and i kinda looked over the railing to the ocean and i swear my heart stopped for a second. it was black but shiny and i wanted to touch it. but that would be bad. so i looked up and saw another cruise ship all lit up and it was really pretty. it was going the other way. the rocking of the boat was floating perfection. such beauty, such power, such potential.

July 4:
A guy who worked on the boat looked right at me and said "charlies angels" i laughed out loud. Mom and i wnet walking around the boat and then we ran into Roy. So he met my mom... weird. when we went back to the room i decided sitting in the room all day was lame and so i went walking around and found the arcade. a little kid said that i was really good at the crisis game. lol. we had a fancy dinner that night. i drank wine and had the chicken. i have never been more aware of the fourth of july. i mean, there was a couple all decked out in there star spangled banner gear. did anyone know that originally there was anchovies in ceaser salad? i couldnt figure out what the fish taste was and then i was informed that it was the anchovies. gross. after dinner we went to the meet and greet with the captain and the champagne. i wont even go into what happened when Jolene met Roy... I got my picture taken with the Captain and then watched a not so newlywed show (very funny) and mom and i went to the stardust lounge to see a show about the producer that was involved in oliver and Les Mis. it was good. immitation musicals have their moments. Then at about 11 i went to my happy place to write and drink coffee. Talked to Roy for a bit and then went back to the room. i then turned on the angry music. and i also learnt that the americans dont acknowledge daylight savings time. then i went to bed.

thats enought for tonite. im tired. and i have to work at 10 tomorrow. then i have to help with a bbq til like 9... goodtimes.

ttfn, Jiggy.


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