Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Guys, i had an awesome day. heres why.

1. i slept in
2. i finished painting number two (ill show you on thursday)
3. got a surprise (a really good one by the way, thank you :)
4. searched for leaves of grass by Walt Whitman, found one and then found T.S Eliot (i flipped open the book and read the poem and it turned out to be Hollow Men, i was like, what? i didnt know that, now i must buy it.), Robert Frost as well as a book about dreams. Annies Book Company is neat, i could see myself going there and hanging out. so yay for books!
5. saw my neice and Kristy and her new place
6. exchanged defective clothing
7. got my nails done and found out that Doug is coming home tomorrow and that he should be alright. he is a fascinating man.

ttfn, Jiggy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you like crazy! We need to see eachother before you leave.I don't work tomorrow...are you free?

12:34 p.m., June 29, 2005  
Blogger Jiggy said...

i am going to assume that you are my retard at the end of the leash (if ur not, then uh, i sorry for calling you a retard). i work all day tomorrow and then i am unavailable in the evening. i really need to start packing soon!


11:17 p.m., June 29, 2005  

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