Friday, July 01, 2005

i had some crazy dejavu today. it was weird, like it usually is. i think i blacked out for a second. meh. i went to see land of the dead today. by which i mean, i didnt pay to see it. it was pretty good. i only freaked out twice. and not even huge freakouts. im pretty proud of myself considering how much i hate seeing scary movies in the theatres. i had a really good day, i had an 8 hour shift which went by really quick. then i had a good nite. besides the gosquitos. heh. thats right i said it.

umm, ya, im sleepy.

OH! FIREWORKS! HAPPY! im not a zombie, i just like shiny things. and sky flowers is a lovely term, im going to call them that i think.

ttfn, Jiggy

2 more sleeps... and i still havent been packing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Too busy packing to hang out, eh?

10:57 a.m., July 01, 2005  
Blogger Jiggy said...

its been busy... sorry for the lack of hanging out... ness.


11:30 p.m., July 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It makes me sad.You always have time for him.

1:23 p.m., July 02, 2005  

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