Tuesday, July 05, 2005

clip the wings that get you high

sooooo.... im not really gonna talk a lot about my trip, when i get home ill let you all know. ive been writing lots about it whilst sitting outside looking at the ocean on this big boat. so ill write that in here when i get back. its lovely here. i hate my parents. together they create a misery that is incredible. i havent fallen off the boat yet, but i have been considering jumping. only because the ocean is so shiny at nite. i wont jump, but i will consider it. i should have taken bets on how long it would take before i was officially kicked out of the house when we get back. as it stands now, i have 48 hours to leave when i get home. im not taking it too seriously at this point. its not like i dont have financially back up if it actually does happen. i just think its so lame. everytime something doesnt go the way she wants it she kicks me out. it would really suck to be the people staying next to us... lol. im going to sit on deck. its beautiful.

ttfn, Jaryd


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