Sunday, March 13, 2005


I guess it was a good thing that my "plans" got cancelled last nite. Otherwise i would have had to give up the opportunity for coffee and flirting. What is the attraction between a woman and a sick man? Why is it that we automatically feel we have take care of them? Its an instinct. A man coughs, we go get him a glass of water. The sick man falls asleep with his glasses on we take them off. Why? I know i cant help it. its not just me though. no no. I also find it interesting that i saw 2 utterly horrible movies last nite, but all i remember is the company. well, i do remember the movies, but the 4 hours were not tedious. Im beginning to think that i could be in the most crappiest situation, but would think nothing of it if he were there. this is bad. this is bad in the best way possible, but still, i dont like it. and my horoscope fits this perfectly. therefore it must be noted.

After weeks of thinking this thing over, you're absolutely ready to have that sit-down chat with someone -- the one you've been trying to put off indefinitely, whether or not you realize it

acuracy... gross.

i dont know how to make the indent stop. so uh... it shall remain.

i think that it anyway....... i have 4 auditions coming up though... must get working on that.

ttfn, Jiggy / Jizzle Nizzle... i know, its horrible : )


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