Friday, February 18, 2005

Resisting the urge to become extremely entoxicated for no reason what so ever...

Um, i feel kinda crappy today. I didnt want to get out of bed. But i did. Then i did some errands for my momma and myself. Im feeling incredibly unsatisfied but i cant find the reason why. I just am. My weekend has filled up though. sunday will not work now, cuz i have to work :( anyway, back to my being unsatisfied. I want to know why. So heres my elimination process. Its not my friends. that area is fine. Its not really work, though i have been there 5 months and maybe im getting a little bored. Its not school. I got 95% on my first assignment. It was about Dustins basement actually. How i grew up there, a bit, as a person. but ya. My parents are the same. Jolene lectured me about smoking today, same ol. and then for some reason we started talking about sex. and then she asked me if i was a virgin. so i told the truth. very weird. she kinda cried. but my mom was glad i finally told her, cuz its been over a year of my mom having to hide it. But ya, enough of that. So family is the same. The only thing that is new in my life is the introduction of this boy. and hes not even really new, just recent. And im not upset about that, for obvious reasons. After the elimination process im still in the same place. Not knowing. I, dehydrated. I have been for the past few days. i keep drinking water and milk and juice and it doesnt help. i even stopped drinking coffee. Maybe im mad at myself for smoking. and the fact that i hate the looks that my friends give me when they find out that ive started again. im the first one to admit that im weak. Perhaps i will work on that.

In the mean time ive decided that i need a change and normally that reflects in my hair. we'll shall see...

ttfn, Jaryd


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