Saturday, March 05, 2005

Weird thing. Last nite, i won solitaire on the first try. Then tonite, i was expecting to have to play a few rounds before winning. but no no. i won on the first try. Tristan... whats the probability of that? winning 2 games in a row.... crazy. Its totally a sign. of what, i do not know.

I have officially given up. it sucks. who was i kidding?

So its 3 for 3. Its nice of them and i know theres nothing they could do about it. It would still be nice. Its inevitable anyway. Who knows whats gonna happen. No one really knows when their life is going to change, it just does. I'll deal with it then. I will also deal with the tears.

ttfn, Jiggy : )

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

That would be a one in fifty two chance of getting the exact card needed. 52 times over. Multplied by two because it was two in a row. 52 X 52 and then another 52 X 52 and then add them. The probability of that happening is 1 in 5,408. Enjoy it while you can. You've got five and a half thousand games to play before it happens again.

12:49 a.m., March 07, 2005  

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