Thursday, March 03, 2005


1. Jaclyn. I said outloud today that i hate my job. i said it in the store, with customers present. I dont hate it all the time. Mostly just this week. mmhmm. I walked in a couple days ago and my Asst Manager was all frazzled and i was like whats going on, and shes like "nothing, we just work in a shit hole." mmhm. and then she said that the next person that walked through the dor she was going to jam a hanger up her nose. and then the next person who walked in turned out to be there for an interview. i found it to be extrememly amusing, but then the girl thought we were laughing at her. oh well.

2. I saw Bigger than Jesus tonite. it was soooo lovely! SO GOOD! GO AND SEE IT THIS WEEKEND! it was evening 2 of my theatre 3 week. ya.

3. Do you ever get tired of people complaining that theyre tired. it drives me up the wall. not that i dont do it. (by the way, im tired :P ) This girl came to work today, and an hour into her shift said that her feet hurt. i didnt know what i to do. youve been here for an hour, ive been here for 5. i decided to just blink and carry on. crazyism.

4. I have audition info from 3 out of 4 post secondary establishments

5. I have been called to do another job for the university medical skills people again. i will be playing a 19 year old. *sigh* that is how old i will be anyway. 19 is such an ugly number. I have always thought so. i dont even know why.

ttfn, Jaryd


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew that eventually, you'd understand.
I like the whole shoving a hanger up someone's nose bit. I have wanted to do that numerous times.

And no, even I don't hate my job *all* the time... Just most of the time.
But, it'll improve. Or it will go downhill from here... I'm not very helpful when it comes to motivational speaches in the realm of retail.

And by the by "G'damn, am I ever tired" :P

11:53 p.m., March 03, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh right, I meant to put
Crap! But i'm assuming you know how wrote the comment.

11:53 p.m., March 03, 2005  

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