Wednesday, March 23, 2005

I think i have decided that maybe listening to Dilate as soon as i wake up is not the best idea. its a good idea, but maybe not the best. As such, i will continue to do so. I bought pants today. They are sweet pants for 2 reasons, 1: theyre worth 60 bucks and i got them for 5
2: they are 2 sizes smaller than i usually wear
I like them, they are washing right now so i can wear them tomorrow. ya for cheap pants!

I also forgot to mention another favourite part of my birthday. I forgot cuz i was really drunk. but i remember now and thats all that matters. While i was dancing, Tristan and Graham would come up to me and do the night at the roxbury thing, when Doug and Steve sandwich that random girl. it was very awesome and very unexpected. it makes me happy, even now :D

ttfn, Jiggy


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