Wednesday, March 23, 2005

!. This is me confused. Why do they both have to be like that? Why am i so indecisive? this sucks ass. i am sol. ill never be able to choose between them. its ridiculous! i hate it so much. do you know that indecisiveness is considered a tragic flaw? thats horrible. gah! i want to pull my hair out.

2. really really nervous about auditions...

3. 2 birthday dinners in a row... im spoiled.

4. sometimes i prefer one to the other, but then it reverses. fuck! perhaps i will do the pros and cons thing... i bet you money it would even out though.

5. i wanted to punch this girl in my english class. everyone was talking at their tables and she blurts out, "dont talk to me, i hate you faggot" what... the... hell... psycho.

ttfn, Jaryd


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