Thursday, July 08, 2004

Otay. This needs to stop because im starting to get dehydrated. I cried all morning, then hung out with Renee for a few hours, and when i got home i cried all nite. I cant control it. I know why Im crying and its not going to get any better anytime soon.

There is this person, and it makes me sad to know that i want to stay in contact with him but i probably wont. I really want to, but in the back of my mind i know it wont happen. High school ends and so do associations.

And i hate to admit it... but ive started making little icons. Like loser LJ's do, just kidding. Its rather amusing. And more time consuming than i thought. I enjoy screwing around with pictures though. Its good times.

thats all for now. Im sad. Really really sad...

ttfn, Jaryd

(ps, the nails on my right hand grow quicker than the nails on my left, just so you know) ;)


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