Thursday, July 08, 2004

Im rather tired, which is probably why im in this mood that im in. I dont like this mood. This is the one where my heart tells me that i have nothing to look forward to. My mind knows different, but there is no telling that to my heart. I hear Jeff's voice saying "God Jaryd, youre so emo." And i shall say that i cant help it. Im sad.

Theatre Calgary starts on Monday so that should be fun. I want to walk in there and see his face. And then i want to hit him for lying to me even though i know what he meant when he did it. I miss him and i cant stand waiting around for an email. I just want to touch him for real. This is torturous...

Im going to see Aaron Lines on Friday, he sings the song that i associate with him. It will be good times. Now if only i can wish for rain that nite. That would make it peachy. Then on sunday im going to see Adam Gregory. I like him a lot too. Nice little country boy. GAH! And now im going to sigh.

Thats pretty much all to report... I miss everyone dearly and i cant wait til all of you are back. You all had to leave at once didnt you...

Otay, well, i should go continue to stay up til the wee hours of the morning elsewhere. So i will say bye bye now!

ttfn, Jaryd


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