Saturday, January 31, 2004

retro sexy

You Are Retro Sexy!

You have a classic sex appeal that passes the test of time.

You're feminine, subtle with your seductions, and perfectly tuned into men.

A woman with your attention to detail is rare find and a true prize.

You're an incredible catch for any guy, especially rich older ones.

What Kind of Sexy Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Fantasy Lover

Your Seduction Stye: "Fantasy Lover"

You know that ideal love that each of us dreams of from childhood? That's you!

Not because you posess all of the ideal characteristics, but because you are a savvy shape shifter.

You have the uncanny ability to detect someone's particular fantasy... and make it you

You inspire each person to be an idealist and passionate, and you make each moment memorable

Even a simple coffee date with you can be the most romantic moment of someone's life

By giving your date exactly what he or she desires, you quickly become the ideal lover.

Your abilities to make dreams come true is so strong, that you are often the love of many people's lives

Your ex's (and even people you have simply met or been friends with) long to be yours

No doubt you are the one others have dreamed of... your biggest challenge is finding *your* dream lover.

What Kind of Seducer Are You?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Wow that was long...

About three hours of people taking pictures of me. (FULLY CLOTHED might I add) It was so much fun. At first it was kinda uncomfortable cuz everyone was looking at me and taking pictures and telling me how to move, then not to move, but I got into it.

(enough of the underlying dirty, unless im the only one who could have misinterpreted it as such)

Moving on

Im going out tonite for a "nite on the town" if you will. I hope it is super...!

Yes, thats all I have really... blah

ttfn, Jaryd

Friday, January 30, 2004

Have you ever fallen asleep and then not been able to wake up? Even when people try to get you out of bed and you have every intention of moving, but then your lost in the other world again. And you don't even know it until an hour of real time passes and an irritated person enters your room claiming they woke you up and hour ago and you said you would get up. And you wanted to. You wanted to leave the fantasy world because its not right to spend so much time there. But then it sucked you back in and you couldn't fight it. You cant even try to fight it because its like it just takes you over and you have no choice but to go. And then you are trapped there until someone comes to get you. Doesn't it freak you out that sometimes, if no one or nothing woke you up, you probably wouldn't? You would just be left there for however long your sub conscious deemed necessary. There is a problem when the line between fantasy and reality is blurred. When you cant cross back and forth freely. That is scary. Just the thought of being stuck in your own head and not knowing that what YOU are putting yourself through it and it isn't real. But you don't know that. So you go on believing in your own fantasy. Until, something happens. Clicks. And you realize that it was all made up. None of it was real. What if my life as I know it right now, is fake. If something 'clicks' do you all disappear?

What if nothing ever 'clicks'...

Friday, Laundry and work

Saturday, Photo shoot and no work. Party with Renee and Rob, YAY

ttfn, Jaryd

Thursday, January 29, 2004



anal bum cover

ok, so that is enough quizzes...

umm, i went out with Rob and Renee tonite, that was fun. umm, im going shopping tomorrow, and for a slurpee. good times. well, probably anyway. I dont really have much to say... i hope saturday rocks ass... cuz i would be sad if it didnt...

ttfn, Jaryd

Jiggy Status : fairly Jiggy
kiwi strawberry lube

You Are Kiwi Strawberry Flavored Lube!

Freaky, experimental, and totally original.

You are the flavor most likely to be bisexual.

You are the flavor least likely to only do missionary position.

Sound yummy? Get Kiwi Strawberry Flavored Lube Here :-)

What Flavor Lube Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


You Are a Like Eyes!

Sly, mysterious, and very sexy.

You have a deep stare and lure people in with your gaze.

Anyone would be lucky to get with you.

Why? Because your big on doing things all the way...

And making sure the pleasure is distributed evenly.

And if not fifty/ fifty, your lover will get even more.

You're sweet, kind, and love to be a tease at times.

Congrats! You've got it all.

What Body Part Are You Most Like?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva


You Are A Romantic Kisser!

About Your Kissing Style:

You'll only kiss if the mood is right and if you think you are falling in love.

Some may say you're old fashioned, but when you kiss, you see stars!

One kiss from you, and anyone will be hooked forever.

What Your Kissing Style Says About You:

You're no prude, but if you're going to get sexual, it needs to mean something.

You prefer to take things slow, because it only makes them better in the long run.

You're much more likely to find yourself engaged than in some stranger's bed.

Your Personal Kissing Matches and Mismatches:

You and another Romantic Kisser is just pure bliss. You both enjoy the finer aspects of
seduction and have the preference of taking things slow. It's practially love at first site.
You'll also find yourself attracted to Juicy Kissers. The
way a Juicy Kisser locks eyes with you and draws you in is almost cosmic...

Manic Kissers are to be avoided at all costs. These kissers
love to kiss everyone and can never commit to one person. Next! Carnal Kissers aren't
your style either. They'll push you for sex way too soon... and get very upset when they don't get their way.

How Do *You* Kiss?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

lol theres hope for me yet!! hahaha

definite boyfriend

There is MOST DEFINITELY a boyfriend in your future.

Never one to miss a chance to meet a guy, you're always "on" and it pays off.
At the grocery store, the video store, wherever…you're constantly on the
lookout for the next victim.

Not that you treat men like shit. Far from it! It's just that you love 'em so
much, it's hard to limit yourself to just one.

Like M&M's, except your men usually melt in your mouth. AND your hands. Mmmm!

Is There A Boyfriend In Your Future?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

500 a night

You Would Make $500 a Night!

You won't have to resort to the streets to earn your cash...

But you will spend most of your time at a brothel on the wrong side of town!

How Much Could You Make as a Prostitute?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

innocent bitch

You Are An Innocent Bitch!

Like most chicks, you act like you're innocent.

But to get what you want, you'll be a total bitch...

And never get caught!

What Kind of Bitch Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Well, how much does this fucking suck? Ill tell you. It sucks Donkey Ass. Im tired of being ignored by those who need not ignore me. I am tired of being treated like a child. And i am tired of being "protected" from the things that i do not need to be protected from. I am tired of not being permitted to make my own decisions. Im tired of being given the 3rd degree over everything i say and everyone i see. Most of all I am tired of being here. In short i fucking loathe our exsistence. I wish i wasnt so angry, but im not just going to paint on a smile like i do at school. I wish I had school. That way i would have a release. sure its a different kind of stress, but anything is better than being locked in here with out access to nicotine and people who actually care about me. i could always just get wasted off of the rather large bar that is gradually being formed. Fucking alcoholic wench. If i here them laugh one more time, i will hit something.


Monday, January 26, 2004

Man yesterday was fucked up. I went out for coffee/drinks with Rob which was great, and i didnt end up going home until 4am, cuz i was waiting at the hospital... not for me, for someone else. Fuck. That is all i have to say. FUCKED UP. Im also going to have to fuck someone up. fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck FUCK. THAT is all. i am so pissed off. I wish to cry and scream all at once but i cannot. so i shall sit in the silence of my own frozen tears.

Life is a bitch. Everyones life is tough and it is incomprehensible to compare the crappiness of ones life to another. Life is life, you either make it or you dont.

ttfn, Jaryd....

Jiggy Status... Non exsistent

Sunday, January 25, 2004

Well, I believe that this has been one of the longest times between posts... I have good reason though. I have not been home/around a computer for most of the week.

My week consisted of studying, playing Nerts, Coffee with people, movies, and wheezing (i believe i spelt that wrong, meh) THe box of death makes me sad and sick... I went out for Coffee with Renee and Rob saturday in the very very very am. Yup, after work i met up with them at coffee time at 3am... That made me sad, Renee was drunk and i was sleeping....
GUESS WHAT! I had a lil flip out when i got to work on friday cuz I got a day off!!! Im going to partay for renees birthday. YIPEE!!!!! I couldnt believe i got it off. Waahoo. Im really happy about that, and i get paid the same day, so yay.

All in all i had a pretty good week. Kelsey and didnt kill each other... yay for that.

Im getting headshots taken soon. Im excited. I hope they turn out well!

I believe that is all, maybe later i shall post something more depressing. It normally works out like that anyway.

ttfn, Jaryd

Sunday, January 18, 2004

i found a cell phone today in the park.... i shall return it tomorrow. Well, return it to the little box that sells cell phones...

ttfn, jaryd
So last nite, people at BP's got the WRONG idea... One of the cooks saw that I was having a crappy day so he was helping me out in the pit. Well this caused an uproar. And it actually made me sad, cuz i was putting stuff away in the kitchen and my supervisor went to him and told him that the servers think hes trying to pick me up. Which is funny because friday nite moe (supervisor) helped me. You cant just say that the day after you did the exact same thing. And that statement is completely false. In this society it seems as though as soon as someone does something nice for someone else they automatically assume they want in ur pants. stupid.

at any rate i should be going i suppose... not much to do...

ttfn, Jaryd
I am posting this song for one main reason. To admit defeat. Kelsey, you were right and i was wrong. Well you were mostly right. Now everyone can know the

Chingy - Holiday Inn

Bomb ass pussy
Ma ooh you got that bomb, know you got it
Ma ooh, you got some bomb ass pussy
Ma I know you got that bomb bomb pussy

[Chorus: Snoop] + (Girl)
(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In
(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won't you bring four of your friends
(What we gon' do?) Feel on each other and sip on some Hen
One thing leading to another let the party begin

[Chorus: Chingy] + (Girl)
(Whachu doin?) Nothing chillin at the Holidae In
(Who you wit?) Me and my peeps won't you bring four of your friends
(What we gon' do?) Feel on each other and sip on some Hen
One thing leading to another let the party begin

[Verse 1: Chingy]
Peeps call me up {*phone ring*} said it's a ho-tel party
Just bring the liquor there's already eight shawties
I'm on my way (way) let me stop by the store
Get a 12 pack of Corona, plus an ounce of 'dro, ya know?
Now I'm on Highway 2-7 need a natural graze road
I'm already blowed, hit third I'm a be be blowed some mo'
Pulled up, stop parked, rims still spinning
Valet look like he in the game and must be winning
To room 490 I'm headed, on my way up
There's three girls on the elevator like "wassup"
I told em follow me they knew I had it cracking B
One said "ain't you that boy that be on BET?"
"Ya that's me, Ching-a-ling equipped wit much ding-a-ling"
Knock on the door I'm on the scene of things
Busted in, Henny bottle to the face!
Fuck it then, feel like my head a toxic waste
There's some pretty girls in herre, I heard em whispering
Talking bout "that's that dude that sing 'Right Thurr' he glistening"
I ain't come to talk (talk) I ain't come to sit (sit)
What I came for was to find out who I'm gon hit, aww shit

[Chorus: Snoop + Chingy]

[Verse 2: Chingy]
Ma showed up like "what's the hold up?"
Man know what get them wraps and roll up
I took a chick in the bathroom seeing what's poppin
You know what's on my mind, shirts off and panties dropping
Niggaz knocking on the door drunk, and silly
The girl said "can I be in yo video" I'm like "yeah!", "oh really?"
Now she naked strip teasing, me I'm just cheesing
She gave me a reason to be a damn heathen
Handled that, told ol' G, bring tha camera
Then I thought about, no footage while I ram her
Walked out the bathroom smiling, cats still whiling
Sharing the next room wit some girls lookin like they from an island

[Chorus: Snoop + Chingy]

[Verse 3: Ludacris]
Stop, drop, KABOOM!, baby rub on ya nipples
Some call me Ludacris, some call me Mr. Wiggles
Far from little, make ya mammary glands giggle
Got 'em under control, the bowl of tender biddles
Doc-tor giggles, I can't stop until it tickles
Just play a little "D" and I'll make ya mouth dribble
Bits and Kibbles, got 'em all after the pickle
I swing it like a bat, but these balls are not whiffle
Hit 'em in triples, wit no strikes, stripes, or whistles
I ain't felt this good, since my wood lived off a thistle
Sippin' some ripple, I got quarters, dimes, and nickels
For shizzle dizzle, I'm on a track with the Big Snoop Dizzle
Let the Henny trickle, down the beat, wit a ghetto tempo
I done blazed the instrumental, laid it plain and simple
Getting brain in the rental, I done did it again
My eyes chinky, I'm wit Chingy, at the Holidae In

[Chorus: Snoop + Chingy]

[Outro: Snoop Dogg]
Yeah, let the party begin, bitch
Ching-a-ling Ling, all the way in St. Louis
My nigga Chingy, Disturbing Tha Peace
Luda, Luda, going hard on you hoes
Yeah bitch, bring four of ya friends
Meet me at the Holidae In
Bring a gang of that Hen, some DSOP
Oh wee, and light that sticky icky
And we gone do the damn thing
Now what I'm talking bout
We gon' disturb the peace right now
Yeah we ain't doing nothing but chillin
We chillin' and nuttin'
Know what I'm talking bout, so push the button
You know what's happenin', fa shizzle, uh huh
Yeah bitch, trying to run from this pimpin'
You can't out run the pimpin' bitch, I done told you

Get Up Kids - I'll Catch You

can you sleep as the sound hits your ears one at a time?
an unspokenbalance here,
unabridged for so many years
that I sould stare atreceivers to receive her isn't fair
don't worry I'll catch you
don't ever worry
your arms in mine, anytime
I wouldn't trade anything
you're still my everything
to my surprise, before my eyes, you arrive
I'm still breaking old habits when you pulled the wool over me
I can see everything, remembering "jinx removing"
no need for reminding... you're still all that matters to me

Saturday, January 17, 2004

Ok so I loathe my job... My manager should not have allowed a table of 50 walk in at 1:15am, that fucking sucked. Especially cuz i had made plans for after work. Grr.

Aparrently Renee and I have very similar phone voices.

I hate icy back alleys. fuckers.

Kelsey bought me roses yesterday, they made me smile.

that is pretty much it...

ttfn, Jaryd

Thursday, January 15, 2004

I enjoy this feeling very much. I dont get it very often, so i shall cherish it. Im in the phase where everything about you makes me smile... and for that yay!

Lara is here and Jolene turns into an even more impossible person to be around when hes here. I seriously just want to move out for 6 weeks... there are too many people in the house... Help.

on will and grace someone said this, a guest star, i cant remember his name at the moment, "i want to plough you like a Calgary Drive way at Christmas" it made me happy

I went on a self appointed detour with kels today and we found a soccer ball house!! its so fucking cool! i say we all go down to that area and analyze the huge houses... it could be fun...

someone needs to balance their time better.

I love that you love me and i it feels so good when you say it! thank you.

my shoulder is sporting a bruise... in the shape of a mouth...

workers at the calgary zoo are bracing themselves for a devistating blow... hehe

i used the word cock in my social diploma today, yay!

i believe that to be all... thusly i shall be off, but not before telling all of you that i wish to "verb" your "noun"!!

ttfn, Super Jiggy Naughty Fish!

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

I have a bite mark. From Lil D. It makes me sad. It doesnt physically hurt, but it makes me sad...

stupid biters...

ttfn, Still Super Jiggy (and i hope to remain so)

1. I had a great time today
2. Jolenes friend is coming to stay with us tomorrow...
3. I had a great time today

ttfn, Super Jiggy
Your Wednesday horoscope, Jaryd!
Your attention to making things look good will determine how successful the big meeting goes today. A chance to move ahead presents itself. Assume the role of the confident authority figure and you will get what you want.

all i have to say is BOOYAW!!!!! and i shall return later with more...

ttfn, Super Jiggy

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

i have nothing of importance to say... not that i usually do. I am soo tired though... so i am going to sleep/stare at the ceiling. ttfn, Jaryd
You're a Intense Kisser
You have an intense kiss! You and your partner
connect when you kiss and you forget about the
rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~

What anime kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
this is my horoscope for the week...

Venus moves into your sign on Wednesday, which brings a touch of sweetness into your life. But it also moves to conjunct Uranus, so someone is going to get a surprise if they hope you will be your usual self. You are moving through a process of revolution, and this is making you very determined not to smile 'nicely' when you feel like expressing your annoyance, and not to say 'Yes', when you mean 'No'. You are slowly going through a process of liberation, which can only be a positive thing.

This is not necisary for you to read... not that any of what i say is, but this especially not. If you want to you can but if you dont i dont care. (the first part, is nothing like me)

with that i shall say ttfn, and possible post something later...

ttfn, Jaryd

Name: Jaryd Winslow
March 18 1986
5:35 PM Time Zone is MST
Alberta, Canada

Rising Sign is in 16 Degrees Virgo
You tend to be very shy and not very self-assertive. You are supercritical about how you appear to others. Even though you may think you are uninteresting and dull, you are actually quite soft- spoken, orderly, neat and very likable. You are a perfectionist with high standards, and at times you can be quite tactless in pointing out the faults of others. Very practical, efficient and purposeful, your appearance and bearing reflect your need to appear graceful, sensible and reserved. You have a crisp, no-nonsense approach to dealing with others. Never lazy or self-indulgent, you tend to be dedicated to the work ethic.

Sun is in 28 Degrees Pisces.
Extremely sensitive and emotional, you absorb the emotions of others (whether positive or negative) like a sponge. Emotionally vulnerable, you are easily upset and tend to cry readily. You are at your best when you can structure your environment in such a way that you are surrounded by positive, upbeat people. You are very helpful and understanding of the needs of others. Indeed, at times this can be a disadvantage, because you can be a sucker for anyone who needs help. Shy, dreamy, romantic in nature, you delight in retreating into your private fantasy world. Just be careful that you do not get lost in it! Trust your intuitions -- you may be quite psychic.

Moon is in 01 Degrees Cancer.
For the most part, you are very strong and secure emotionally. You intuitively know what to do to make others feel comfortable, loved, accepted and needed. You naturally enjoy feeding and taking care of others. Be careful that your mothering does not turn into smothering. At times, you tend to feel that those to whom you are attached can never do anything without your assistance and support. Extremely sensitive by nature, it hurts you deeply whenever anyone criticizes you. You have an almost desperate need to be loved and wanted and needed by everyone with whom you come into contact, and you go out of your way to be accommodating to them.

Mercury is in 23 Degrees Pisces.
Your ideas and thought processes do not come to you in an orderly, logical fashion. Instead, you think with your feelings or with images produced by your rich and fertile imagination. A very subjective person, your dreams and fantasies are very important to you. You trust your intuitions and tend to reject ideas that are based solely on logic. Very impressionable, you are sensitive to the moods and emotional states of those with whom you come into contact.

Venus is in 12 Degrees Aries.
You are a very affectionate person but you hate to be tied down. You are more than willing to be the aggressor in initiating new relationships. Indeed, once you have set your sights on someone, you tend to pursue him or her ardently and passionately. But you do demand your own way in a relationship. Try to give in to your partner's needs and desires once in a while.

Mars is in 25 Degrees Sagittarius.
Your every action is motivated by high moral standards and ideals. You will work very hard to improve the lot of the world at large, but you demand action about it -- you do not like to just sit around and talk about doing it in an abstract manner. You like to be where the real action is. You resist mightily any attempts to limit your freedom and you will assist anyone who feels put down and restricted. You are extremely restless by nature -- physical exercise is very important to you if you would maintain your health.

Jupiter is in 06 Degrees Pisces.
You are at your best when you give of yourself and what you have -- try to avoid being a martyr about it, though. You're a true idealist, but you must learn not to be upset when life does not cooperate with the way you think things should be. Very concerned with spiritual truth and growth, when you practice what you preach, you make an excellent role model for others. You are so devoted to altruistic ventures and concerns that you tire easily at times. It then becomes necessary for you to go off by yourself to recharge your batteries.

Saturn is in 09 Degrees Sagittarius.
Basically quite conservative, you respect traditional authority figures and are very thankful and supportive of the laws and institutions which govern your life. You learn and accept new ideas only after having very thoroughly examined them. Ideals and abstract concepts are important to you only if they can be used in some practical fashion. You are so practical and so orderly that you have natural skills in planning, administrating and organizing.

Uranus is in 22 Degrees Sagittarius.
You, and most of your peers, have the tendency to think that all ideas, customs and traditions from the past are outmoded and irrelevant. You are attracted to radically new ideas, philosophies and religions that will, hopefully, cause sweeping changes throughout the world.

Neptune is in 05 Degrees Capricorn.
You, and your entire generation, will idealize work, practicality and the ability to attain reasonable goals. But, because you will also stress the need to be selfless and giving, you may find it difficult to attain your goals unless you have lowered your expectations on all fronts.

Pluto is in 06 Degrees Scorpio.
For your entire generation, this is a period of intense research and discovery in areas that were heretofore considered mysterious, remote or taboo. The root causes for many complex occurrences will be unearthed due to the intensity and thoroughness of the search.

N. Node is in 00 Degrees Taurus.
It's not in your nature to seek out many casual acquaintances in your daily round of activities. You feel much more comfortable with a small, close-knit group of people -- those with whom you can relax and work toward known and clearly defined goals. Your loyalty to a person or group, once given, is forever -- you'll expend all of your quite considerable energy in seeing that the group stays together and prospers. You choose your partners and relationships so carefully that you're bound to gain certain advantages from them, including those of a material nature. Be careful though not to let mere self-service be your motivation in establishing your connections -- make sure that there's an even give-and-take!

Monday, January 12, 2004

This had most of the state of Michigan laughing for 2 days and a very embarrassed female news anchor who will, in the future, likely think before she speaks.
What happens when you predict snow but don't get any? This is a true story . . .

There was a female news anchor who, the day after it was supposed to have snowed and didn't, turned to the weatherman and asked, "So Bob, where's that 8 inches you promised me last night?"

Not only did HE have to leave the set, but half the crew did too because they were laughing so hard!

Stupid people should have to wear signs that just say, "I'm Stupid." That way you wouldn't rely on them, would you? You wouldn't ask them anything. It would be like, "Excuse me...oops...never mind, didn't see your sign."

It's like before my wife and I moved. Our house was full of boxes and there was a NOBR>U-Haul truck in our driveway. My neighbor comes over and says, "Hey, you moving?" "Nope. We just pack our stuff up once or twice a week to see how many boxes it takes. Here's your sign."

A couple of months ago I went fishing with a buddy of mine, we pulled his boat into the dock, I lifted up this big ol' stringer of bass and this idiot on the dock goes, "Hey, y'all catch all them fish?" "Nope. Talked 'em into giving up. Here's your sign."

I was watching one of those animal shows on the Discovery Channel. There was a guy inventing a shark bite suit. And there's only one way to test it. "Alright, Jimmy, you got that shark suit on, it looks good... They want you to jump into this pool of sharks, and you tell us if it hurts when they bite you." "Well, all right, but hold my sign. I don't wanna lose it."

Last time I had a flat tire, I pulled my truck into one of those side-of-the-road gas stations. The attendant walks out, looks at my truck, looks at me, and I SWEAR he said, "Tire go flat?" I couldn't resist. I said, "Nope. I was driving around and those other three just swelled right up on me. Here's your sign."

We were trying to sell our car about a year ago. A guy came over to the house and drove the car around for about 45 minutes. We get back to the house, he gets out of the car, reaches down and grabs the exhaust pipe, then says, "Darn that's hot!" See, if he'd been wearing his sign, I could have stopped him.

I learned to drive an 18-wheeler in my days of adventure. Wouldn't you know, I misjudged the height of a bridge. The truck got stuck and I couldn't get it out, no matter how I tried. I radioed in for help and eventually a local cop shows up to take the report. He went through his basic problem. I thought for sure he was clear of needing a sign...until he asked, "So, is your truck stuck?" I couldn't help myself! I looked at him, looked back at the rig and then back to him and said, "No, I'm delivering a bridge... here's your sign."

I stayed late at work one night and a co-worker looked at me and said, "Are you still here?" I replied, "No. I left about 10 minutes ago. Here's your sign."

Anybody you know need a sign today?

The next time someone says something stupid ask them where their sign is.

Sunday, January 11, 2004

it just occured to me that i punched a 28 year old man with tatoos, peircings, and a mohawk 2 days after he got dumped... hmm

ok so i dont exactly know what that means, besides the fact that, well, nm...

ttfn, Jaryd
you feel unsatisfied with your life, you feel liek
there is more to living then what you
experience everyday, you want to know the truth
behinde the existance of the human race, you
would definatly take the red pill

Would You Take the Red Pill or the Blue Pill? (Matrix)
brought to you by Quizilla
You are DUSK... Not exactly Dark or mysterious but
a relaxing sort of fun personality flows out of
you because of your social and entertainment
habits and how you live out your days. This is
DEFINATELY the best time to call you for a fun
evening or just drop by to say wassup.

What Time of Day Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
anything small enough for me to fit in my hands and wont make me collapse to the ground

a possible answer to a question in a quiz...
So, according to the article in the news paper i have Jedi powers... tee hee. Ill bring it in one day.

I went to visit Patty on friday, she looks good. She modelled some of her wigs for me which was kinda sad. she got me bed head shampoo, i love it.

Jolene bought Underworld today (Vampires vs. Warewolves) im not sure if i liked it or not...

I wish i wasnt so angry. I dont like it. Im sorry.

ttfn, Jaryd

1) I did not know that brothers worked at Bps... i also did not know they are twins... AND, I have worked with both of them and not known the difference. **now i do**

2) Ani DiFranco is great. I love her diction and imagery. It is beautiful. And now I shall go cut my heart out and stomp on it because of that.

3) My supervisor likes to sneak up on me and scare me. Yesterday he did so then i screamed. Then right away he scared me again. It was at this point i swung around and punched him square in the arm. He responded with, "holy shit, you have a lot of guy friends dont you"

4) This gurl (sarah) at work thought i was 25... that makes me a lil sad. But shes nice to talk to and asked if i was gonna go for a drink after work. That made me happy.

5) I read a really funny comic last nite. I shall not tell you what it was because it was along the lines of Buffalo Wings, which by the way still makes me laugh.

6) I hope you all had a wonderful weekend...

7) I am in pain...

ttfn, Jaryd

Thursday, January 08, 2004

(my mouth shall not be used for amusing others in anyway)
i dont really have anything i wish to share... hmm... wait... no, i was right the first time.

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, January 05, 2004

I feel, that for personal memory, i shall say what i did today for my addiction. I, dug through a garbage can, in search of a bag with rotten chocolate milk and a brand new pack of cigarettes that i left in the pit over christmas break. Thats right. Eww and Yay.

ttfn, Jaryd
hello blog...You're Gangsta Bitch Barbie. "You're tough and you like it rough, and of course you like to pop a cap in any wiggers ass." thats the lil write up. i did the whole html thing then accidentally deleted it... so thats all you get. hmm, i had things to write about but then blogger was being a stupid fuck. Now that its back i dont know... OH!!!!!! It does happen to me as well. Only when i am alone. especially when i am alone and walking through the theatre with the lights off. there is definatly something there.

i am off, i wish to say no more so i shall not...

ttfn, Jaryd
And the essay is done. I have a couple things to talk about. One is that i have started debating whether or not a past decision i made was the right one. I know that i saved myself from a lot of pain, well more pain than i already had. But was it worth it? I look at one of my friends and i wonder how he does it. he puts himself through so much pain, but to him its worth while. i cant help but think, what if? What if i hadnt stopped myself so many times? What if i had said how i felt and not hid? What if i didnt care about how badly it would hurt when he left? What if he had stayed? But no one can not live in a fantasy world of what ifs... unless youre a pisces...

I have been listening to Staind, 14 shades of grey... They are brilliant. The lyrics are amazing and i cant put it down. its beautiful.

I also wish to apoligize in advance to you all. It has started and there is no stopping now. Its like a wave, it comes and goes. Most of you probably wont notice, but if you do im sorry. All i ask is 2 things, remember it will pass eventually and leave me alone. Thank you.

ttfn, Jaryd

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Hello all of my... well... i dont know what. But none the less hello. Another Christmas break has ceased and it makes me sad in my soul. It always seems to go by so fast. Anyway, The past few days have been ok... Friday, hmm, what did i do friday? besides work i mean... Hmm, oh well, i worked friday, and i Kicked Lukes ass (my supervisor). Ya, he hit me with a metal serving spoon, so i punched him in the chest and kicked the side of his knee... then he collapsed, laughed and apoligized. good times. Oh, afterwork i hung out with a couple guys (co-workers) in the lounge and well, we watched the worst friday nite show case review, ever. It was very unhappy porn... :'( thats right that is a tear. Im not even going to explain why. blah...

Saturday, I got my hair cut :) Its short... it feels short anyway. I noticed that when i get my haircut its almost like im at the dentist. My hands are white knuckling the arm rests and a weird expression on my face. She might as well be pulling teeth while shes cutting my hair. She cut a peice from the back and showed me to make sure the length was ok. Well what the hell am i suppose to say? Put it back? Thats too much? How can she fix it if shes already cut it?!whatever. She asked me if i was going out and i was like... No, im going to work. BUT, when i got to work i found out that someone switched a shift... seriously, i havent felt like this for a long time... its kind of odd to just see someone and get butterflies. Oh well. Its nice, and so is he.

On to today... I exchanged my dvd player. i hate stupidstore. They suck ass. I bought a dvd though... hehe American wedding is so funny. i was watching the outtakes and stiffler is supposed to say, "its hard being smart" but he said "its smart being hard" it was especially funny because he realized he messed it up, but he didnt think about the sexual connotation behind it. it took him a moment to catch up with everyone else, cuz, well, its sean william scott...

well, i should be getting to my home work... grr

ttfn, Jaryd

PS, i hope you all had wonderful holidays!

Friday, January 02, 2004

So... i cannot multi task tonite... See, i am attempting to spell correctly and talk to 7 people at once on msn... thusly i have stopeed spelling correctly to save time to blog. I am not correvting this blog entry vuz i dont vive a shit. i seem to be replacing a lot of letters with v's... hmm... iid ont really knwo why. i do know that sugar is bad. just like drucgs. dont do drucgs. wow, i typed it the sayme way twice. wow, whats wrong with the slurpee...

ok im done now... i hope, that was amusing though. hehe, though...t

And there we go, i am back in reality. i was plucked out of my fantasy world... thanks.

ttfn, Jaryd...

Thursday, January 01, 2004

Well in my trek through cyberspace for some definitions of a "tragic hero" I found this. I am basically posting it for my own good so that i can review it from time to time because i found it rather interesting. None the less it is rather long so i do not expect you to read it. If you do i dont care. If i did care i wouldnt have posted it now would i. Ok, back to work for me...

Cyrano de Bergerac's Speech

In English

Le Bret:
Stop trying to be Three Musketeers in one!
Fortune and Glory-

And what would you have me do?
Seek for the patronage of some great man,
And like a creeping vine on a tall tree
Crawl upward, where I cannot stand alone?
No thank you! Dedicate, as others do,
Poems to pawnbrokers? Be a buffoon
In the vile hope of teasing out a smile
On some cold face? No thank you! Eat a toad
For breakfast every morning? Make my knees
callous, and cultivate a supple spine,-
Wear out my belly grovelling in the dust?
No thank you! Scratch the back of any swine
That roots up gold for me? Tickle the horns
of Mammon with my left hand, while my right
Too proud to know his partner's business
Takes in the fee? No thank you! Use the fire
God gave me to burn incense all day long
Under the nose of wood and stone? No thank you!
Shall I go leaping into ladies laps
And licking fingers?-or-to change form-
Navigating with madrigals for oars,
My sails full of the sighs of dowagers?
No thank you! Publish verses at my own
Expense? No thank you! Be the patron saint
Of a small group of leterary souls
Who dine together every Tuesday? No
I thank you! Shall I labor night and day
To build a reputation on one song,
And never write another? Shall I find
True genius only among Geniuses,
Palpitate over little paragraphs,
And struggle to insinuate my name
In the columns of the Mercury?
No thank you! Calculate, scheme, be afraid,
Love more to make a visit than a poem,
Seek introductions, favors, influences?-
No thank you! No, I thank you! And again
I thank you!- But...

To sing, to laugh, to dream,
To walk in my own way and be alone,
Free, with an eye to see things as they are,
A voice that means manhood- to cock my hat
Where I choose- At a word, a Yes, a No,
To fight- or write. To travel any road
Under the sun, under the stars, nor doubt
If fame or fortune lie beyond the bourne-
ever to make a line I have not heard
In my own heart; yet, with all modesty
To say: "My soul, be satisfied with flowers,
With fruit, with weeds even; but gather them
In the one garden you may call your own."
So, when I win some triumph, by some chance,
Render no share to Caesar- in a word,
I am to proud to be a parasite,
And if my nature wants the germ that grows
Towering to heaven like the mountain pine,
Or like the oak, sheltering multitudes-
I stand, not high it may be- But alone!

Le Bret:
Alone, yes! But why stand against the world?
What devil has possesed you now, to go
Everywhere making yourself enemies?

Watching you other people making friends
Everywhere- as a dog makes friends! I mark
The manner of these canine courtesies
And think: "My friends are of a cleaner breed;
Here comes- Thank God! - another enemy!"

Le Bret:
But it is madness!

Method, let us say.
It is my pleasure to displease. I love
Hatred. Imagine how it feels to face
The volley of a thousand angry eyes-
The bile of envy and the froth of fear
Spattering little drops about me- You-
Good nature all around you, soft and warm-
You are like those Italians, in great cowls
Comfortable and loose- Your chin sinks down
Into the folds, your shoulders droop. But I-
The Spanish ruff I wear around my throat
Is like a ring of enemies; hard, proud,
Each point anohter pride, another thorn-
So that I hold myself erect perforce
Wearing the hatred of the common herd
Haughtily, the harsh collar of Old Spain,
At once a fetter and- a halo!

ttfn, Jaryd
Ok, so Happy New Year. Last nite was fun. I kicked my brothers' asses'. It was good times. I really enjoy wrestling (in a non-sexual way). It gives me an excuse to be sort of violent in a semi - controlled situation.

I cleaned out my email today. It felt good to just push a button and have things disappear forever. Wouldnt that be handy sometimes? But then you could never bring it back. But sometimes thats ok. To let go i mean.

ttfn, Jaryd