Sunday, January 25, 2004

Well, I believe that this has been one of the longest times between posts... I have good reason though. I have not been home/around a computer for most of the week.

My week consisted of studying, playing Nerts, Coffee with people, movies, and wheezing (i believe i spelt that wrong, meh) THe box of death makes me sad and sick... I went out for Coffee with Renee and Rob saturday in the very very very am. Yup, after work i met up with them at coffee time at 3am... That made me sad, Renee was drunk and i was sleeping....
GUESS WHAT! I had a lil flip out when i got to work on friday cuz I got a day off!!! Im going to partay for renees birthday. YIPEE!!!!! I couldnt believe i got it off. Waahoo. Im really happy about that, and i get paid the same day, so yay.

All in all i had a pretty good week. Kelsey and didnt kill each other... yay for that.

Im getting headshots taken soon. Im excited. I hope they turn out well!

I believe that is all, maybe later i shall post something more depressing. It normally works out like that anyway.

ttfn, Jaryd


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