Friday, January 30, 2004

Have you ever fallen asleep and then not been able to wake up? Even when people try to get you out of bed and you have every intention of moving, but then your lost in the other world again. And you don't even know it until an hour of real time passes and an irritated person enters your room claiming they woke you up and hour ago and you said you would get up. And you wanted to. You wanted to leave the fantasy world because its not right to spend so much time there. But then it sucked you back in and you couldn't fight it. You cant even try to fight it because its like it just takes you over and you have no choice but to go. And then you are trapped there until someone comes to get you. Doesn't it freak you out that sometimes, if no one or nothing woke you up, you probably wouldn't? You would just be left there for however long your sub conscious deemed necessary. There is a problem when the line between fantasy and reality is blurred. When you cant cross back and forth freely. That is scary. Just the thought of being stuck in your own head and not knowing that what YOU are putting yourself through it and it isn't real. But you don't know that. So you go on believing in your own fantasy. Until, something happens. Clicks. And you realize that it was all made up. None of it was real. What if my life as I know it right now, is fake. If something 'clicks' do you all disappear?

What if nothing ever 'clicks'...


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