Sunday, January 04, 2004

Hello all of my... well... i dont know what. But none the less hello. Another Christmas break has ceased and it makes me sad in my soul. It always seems to go by so fast. Anyway, The past few days have been ok... Friday, hmm, what did i do friday? besides work i mean... Hmm, oh well, i worked friday, and i Kicked Lukes ass (my supervisor). Ya, he hit me with a metal serving spoon, so i punched him in the chest and kicked the side of his knee... then he collapsed, laughed and apoligized. good times. Oh, afterwork i hung out with a couple guys (co-workers) in the lounge and well, we watched the worst friday nite show case review, ever. It was very unhappy porn... :'( thats right that is a tear. Im not even going to explain why. blah...

Saturday, I got my hair cut :) Its short... it feels short anyway. I noticed that when i get my haircut its almost like im at the dentist. My hands are white knuckling the arm rests and a weird expression on my face. She might as well be pulling teeth while shes cutting my hair. She cut a peice from the back and showed me to make sure the length was ok. Well what the hell am i suppose to say? Put it back? Thats too much? How can she fix it if shes already cut it?!whatever. She asked me if i was going out and i was like... No, im going to work. BUT, when i got to work i found out that someone switched a shift... seriously, i havent felt like this for a long time... its kind of odd to just see someone and get butterflies. Oh well. Its nice, and so is he.

On to today... I exchanged my dvd player. i hate stupidstore. They suck ass. I bought a dvd though... hehe American wedding is so funny. i was watching the outtakes and stiffler is supposed to say, "its hard being smart" but he said "its smart being hard" it was especially funny because he realized he messed it up, but he didnt think about the sexual connotation behind it. it took him a moment to catch up with everyone else, cuz, well, its sean william scott...

well, i should be getting to my home work... grr

ttfn, Jaryd

PS, i hope you all had wonderful holidays!


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