Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Well, how much does this fucking suck? Ill tell you. It sucks Donkey Ass. Im tired of being ignored by those who need not ignore me. I am tired of being treated like a child. And i am tired of being "protected" from the things that i do not need to be protected from. I am tired of not being permitted to make my own decisions. Im tired of being given the 3rd degree over everything i say and everyone i see. Most of all I am tired of being here. In short i fucking loathe our exsistence. I wish i wasnt so angry, but im not just going to paint on a smile like i do at school. I wish I had school. That way i would have a release. sure its a different kind of stress, but anything is better than being locked in here with out access to nicotine and people who actually care about me. i could always just get wasted off of the rather large bar that is gradually being formed. Fucking alcoholic wench. If i here them laugh one more time, i will hit something.



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