Thursday, January 15, 2004

I enjoy this feeling very much. I dont get it very often, so i shall cherish it. Im in the phase where everything about you makes me smile... and for that yay!

Lara is here and Jolene turns into an even more impossible person to be around when hes here. I seriously just want to move out for 6 weeks... there are too many people in the house... Help.

on will and grace someone said this, a guest star, i cant remember his name at the moment, "i want to plough you like a Calgary Drive way at Christmas" it made me happy

I went on a self appointed detour with kels today and we found a soccer ball house!! its so fucking cool! i say we all go down to that area and analyze the huge houses... it could be fun...

someone needs to balance their time better.

I love that you love me and i it feels so good when you say it! thank you.

my shoulder is sporting a bruise... in the shape of a mouth...

workers at the calgary zoo are bracing themselves for a devistating blow... hehe

i used the word cock in my social diploma today, yay!

i believe that to be all... thusly i shall be off, but not before telling all of you that i wish to "verb" your "noun"!!

ttfn, Super Jiggy Naughty Fish!


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