Monday, November 10, 2003

Well, I must say that Tristans blog is kinda weird. Funny, but weird. And i must state that the "cloud of ass theory" has nothing to do with alcohol consumption **cough** the rock **cough**. There was no way that was fun at all. Although, I must say how proud i am that you are using my cloud of ass theory in 2 of your blogs. Even though I am soooo unpretty and unintelligent. right.

Moving on

I absolutely love Ian. How could I not. Ok that was a bad question. The reason I love Ian is because Last nite, he called me and left me a message. It basically consisted of, Hey Jaryd, I know ur at work, but I just wanted to make sure your life is great, I love you, and goodnite. How could you not love someone who calls you just because. The only thing that sucks about it is that i know i will always love him.

ttfn, Jaryd


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