Tuesday, November 04, 2003

meow. hehe. someone just said that to me. i came online, and they said, meow. hehe. yay. anyway. i wish to be cured of all crazyism, physical sickness and emotional anguish. I know i am asking too much.

I cried tonite. I havent cried in what seems like forever. I used to cry all the time. Now, never. Even when the people i love are sad, dieing, lonely. Or when im sad. I dont cry. There is only one person at this point and time that can make me cry. Really make me cry. So much so that i wish to crawl into a little ball and sleep for eternity knowing that they will never be able to make me cry again. I think i am strong and nothing they say or do will bring me down. It never works though. I can only laugh for so long until i break and sit in my box. I believe i am becoming too comfortable there.

I hate when someone talks to me on msn and i have no idea who they are. it makes me sad. Then theres the whole "bland generic conversation" until something clicks in your mind and your like OH! JASON! or he says, do u know who this is and your busted! :(

Selfish people. People who make eveyrthing about themselves and get joy out of causing pain in others. how can people be like that? i dont get it. someone explain.

ttfn, Jaryd i think


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