Monday, October 27, 2003

so... you are reading the blog of a sexident of drama society and of beer group. Thats right. Out of all the leaders in beer group, i am the president of all of them. I dunno if that scares you a little, but it scares me. I, Jaryd Winslow, am the president of the leaders of tomorrow. interesting. I beat out other people. Both were excellent candidates and i thought it would have been one of them. This is kinda weird. Maybe.. Its all just a joke until i think about the last time. And how i would have changed it. Made it better. Stopped running for a second and took some time to take it all in. take you in. I need to stop more often. Im missing the good stuff. The stuff that is forgotten when we blink. The memories that could be our favourites if only we didnt blink.


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