Monday, November 03, 2003


Hmm... I havent blogged in a while...
Friday, halloween.
memorable. Too much gold, or not enough, i cant decide. Fun times all around. Party, Yay. Large cloud of ass. Evil blanket theives.
Saturday. morning... stupid. drive to bragg creek...meh. I was with Geralds "on a break" gf. Ya, we talked about him the whole way there. i kinda considered rolling my car... then i realized i should be punished for even thinking that about my baby, and proceeded to listen to her and give her my opinion. saturday nite was fun. Dancing is awesome. With boys is fun, gurls as well. :D I taught people the dance to Time Warp... good times. The guys wanted to steal my car... it was funny. umm... the car ride back was fun... i was by myself. temporarily blinded by a mofo mack truck. BUT i heard some excellently horrible retro!!! EVERYBODY HURTS!!!!! and tracy chapman, which made me happy, cuz i like her. and i havent heard her in a while. umm, i stopped in to see renee on my way into town. I got pics of my nephew and beautiful best friend. I love them both soooooo much. hmm... Then, I got home at 2... fell asleep at approximately 330pm until 7 am monday morning. And i am so pissed that i missed 6 feet under. grrr

ya... im sort of stuck in a moment. It pisses me off cuz it would be so much easier if i wasnt. but i am, and thusly i must lock it away in my mind until i least expect it to pop up again. it always does. something always reminds me of it. a phrase, a picture, a song, a movie, then i am back in that single moment. maybe i should find a new moment. It has moved far far away. Until i am asked about it. then it seems so close. But i know it is hundreds of miles gone.

Have you ever been low?

ttfn, Jaryd

PS. Jeff is so smart. I never thought he would have known...hmm


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