Tuesday, October 28, 2003

What fashionable underground band/style are you?

this quiz was made by the sunni bunni bear

if only i understood what the fuck this meant...

what fine purveyour of alternative lady illustrations are you?

this quiz was made by sunnibunni

Once again. Maybe i would care if this made any sense...

Find Your Warped Personality

this quiz was made by mysti

ok so... after taking these quizzes i realize that jeff and i are alike... or we just answer things the same way on quizzes. crazy...

hmm... Lets see, it makes me happy that i have met, shook hands, got the autograph and a picture WITH Brendas mom. for those of you who dont know wtf im talking about you might as well be six feet under. heh.

I have found a new friendship. It has not replaced any others becuase that is not possible. It is just new. And i love it. Boxes get opened like at christmas time and sometimes theyre fun and great to recieve and other times are, well, not so happy. None the less a friendship is building and i am so god damn happy to have this release. Something constructive to concentrate my energy on. yay. I think you should also know that you really broke through a box by using my metaphor. It was different, in that, most people say the same thing the same way and after awhile it becomes redundant. Creativity is the way to my heart. and using my creativity to get to me was brilliant. So so so happy. Thank you.

I kinda like blogging so no one knows what im talking about. I shall try and do it more often. I also find it funny that ill just be writing... do do do, then all of the sudden im tlaking about what i ACTUALLY want to say. Not just meaningless shit. I cant, at the time, understand why i start talking about something else, but i just go with it cuz it has occured to me that i need to talk about whatever the subject may be. And well, this is my blog and all that matters is that i understand it. yes...
that being said. I am gone...
jiggy *POOF*


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