Saturday, November 08, 2003

I am sick and tired of them living through me. Understandably they have the knowledge of almost 100 years between them, but give me a fucking break. For me to come home (at 4am) with new additions to my wall (fucked up posters) and a 3 page typed letter is ridiculous. The letter basically consisted of my horrible daughter tendencies. My first instinct is to retaliate. Dispelled. Then to run. Stop. And now I have decided upon nothing. Or rather the doing of nothing. Nothing but sit in yet another box so that they get nothing from me. Although, I am seriously debating on whether or not to take the car on a slight road trip. After all, it is a long weekend. Who's with me?! They are taking away 1 of the 2 things that I love without hating in this "family". One being the dog and the other, the car. I have also been instructed to surrender half of every paycheck to them. For savings for University of course. Except that Im not going. So why should they get that money. They didn't work for it. And thusly they get none of it. I have a lot of pent anger. About 12 years of it. Im afraid it will all come out in the next 4 days. I have the perfect song for Satan. Numb by Linkin Park. I just keep listening to it over and over again...

I have to go to work...



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