Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Hello! I just did an essay. An in class essay. Except. Im not in class, nor have i been for a while. funny... ANYWAY. I bought sum movies yesterday... Finding Nemo, The Matrix Reloaded, Divine secrets of the ya ya sisterhood, A christmas Carol, and... what else... i know there was another... hmm... wait... SLEEPERS, i think that was it... they are all good movies... Reloaded was kinda meh, but whatever, i enjoy Keanu Reeves no matter what. Finding nemo was so fun!!! I LOVE FUN! Im really happy right now... hmm... why? i dont know... Maybe cuz im having a bit of a get together on sunday... Grey cup sunday... for the grey cup. I shall invite a small bunch of people for a small party. my parental units are supposedly leaving for the day. That means nothing. Plans change.
Im going out for lunch tomorrow... Its gonna be wierd, not because of who im going with, but because she's potentially dieing. again. I may lose her. Have you ever noticed that you dont know how much you like or need someone until they are gone. Well, i am the opposite. I notice how much i need them in my life just before they leave. I realize how i take them for granted that they'll always be there and that i will always get to see them. When, in actuality, they could just up and leave me. Whether they want to or not. I dont want anyone to ever leave me for any reason. It hurts too much...


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