Thursday, October 16, 2003

hmmm... what to say, what to say. I wish to have a happy conversation with someone, but all I seem to be getting is a chicken in a thong and aliens. Not really happy. Art is happy. Kinda talking about art. Hmmm... I am most deifinatly rambling and you, fellow bloggers, are reading my rambling. I have a question. But it has no answer so i shall not ask it. It will only cause you the same frustrating feeling as it is causing me. If only i knew what this question was. Perhaps I could spend my life trying to answer it. But i dont know and thusly am constantly confused. Lint is happy. Yay. Male Lactating is also happy... I am now officially smiling and my mission to have a happy conversation about something meaningless has been accomplished. So freeking happy now! YES! Kelsey and I are on a mission to find out what male breast milk tastes like... HAHAHA yay... anyway... i think i shall be going.
Everyone who i was talking to has left me, for Survivor as it were. First season = YAY. The rest = Nay... Anyway. I went to marvelous party. Well, not actually. More like a marvelous coffee shop. And you know how Anthony K is well spoken and doesnt normally trip up on his words? Ya, well, I caught him twice today. We were playing tag team monopoly (good times) and well, Anthony and I kinda lost. So to turn it around we said that we won with more love and that money and possesions didnt matter to us. And thusly he said "When we die We'll have people crying at our wedding." Of course he meant funeral. And it works out well, actually, because he is dieing, and so am i. So if we got married, we probably would die that day and people would cry. Cuz well, its anthony! And another one!!! We were talking about our "NAP Party" (NOT to be confused with a "PAP Party"... god im stupid.) and Anthony said "drunk endorsed"... wtf...then I remembered something and responded with, Or ALCOHOL INDUCED! it was quite amusing. And it made me smile. yay. Now i am all of the sudden kinda sad, and i certainly do not want to bog you down with it. BOG! i wanna go see the bog people at the glenbow. Anthony has ditched me off for the hot coffee shop girl (grr) and now i have no one to go with... SOMEONE GO WITH ME! come on!! THEY ARE PRESERVED DEAD PEOPLE! that is so cool! bah.
Lastly, I love you em. I miss you. We need some time together. And I have converted you to the "dark side" which makes me happy. Its dshiznat! booyaw babygurl...
also... dont call me baby gurl... (i really have to stop saying things in my blog, to people who dont read it).
Wow... So it has taken me hours to write this blog. Only because i am attempting to cut down in the amount of daily entries... So i write, and i dont post, i wait... til something else comes up that i wish to say. And now, I have something to say. I was randomly searching for something important in my room, which is a rather impossible task. Anyway, in my searches i came acrossed a picture. A rather old picture, a year and a bit. And it occured to me that this was the past. And while it shapes who i am now, it has no other significance and i have to move on. I hold on tight to memories that are relative. They are here and there, at once. They have a question and an answer together. They are black and white in one (this does not mean grey). and i know i will never know the difference and no one can help me figure out which is which. I dont know if any of you understand what i just wrote, but it is my blog and i had to say it. Even if none of you can relate. I think that sometimes we strive too much for that, people to relate to. We put so much emphasis on similarities that we forget how beautiful the differences are. Fuck. I have so much i want to say, but i just cant convince myself that its all worth saying. I wanted to post a song tonite. Then i remebered that it would be better if i didnt (and id get too much grief). The songs I listen to intensify whatever mood i happen to be in and i dont really want to do that right now. Mind you, im probably just going to go listen too it over and over in my room anyway. Wow. Kelsey now officially has her own blog. Yesterdays entry did not include my name. It is now hers and no longer a biography of our time together. :) Im happy for ya kels! and a lil sad...
I really think im gonna have to go now... the blog is long enough and i am no longer in the mood to have any sort of contact with anyone. Kels, im probably not gonna call ya tonite... sorry.
ttfn, Jaryd
PS. This blog really makes me sound like i have ADD... oh well, i dont care


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