Sunday, October 05, 2003

Holy Shit. Last Nite/Early this morning was AWESOME. Definitely Good Times. I went over to Chels' at 5pm then slept until 7pm... Then we were all deciding where to go. I didn't even think I would be able to get in cuz they wanted to go to Outlaws or Tequila. So they decided on Tequila and we took a couple cabs down there. Well, there was this huge mofo line up, so, I got all of us on the VIP list. because I am a smooth talker and i wore my Mrs. Barker shirt. Hehe. Within 10 minutes we were in the club/bar. They didnt even look twice at my fake, so i was like WAAHOO! It was so crowded in there. There were 7 of us and we were all holding hands in a train so we would stay together. It was CRAZY, crazy fun. Drunk people are quite touchy... I was walking off the dance floor with Robin and all of the sudden there are arms wrapped around me and i cant move. I look to Robin and I say help me! but she cant hear me so i am forced to "grind" with this stranger, I havent even seen his face or heard his name. Eventually I pry his arms off me... but only so i can walk 5 steps to have it happen again! It was fun at the time, but now i kinda feel violated... There are definitely better ways to get someone to dance with you. Aside from the grabby ones there were some nice ones. The ones who wave and smile as theyre passing by, or say "Excuse me, beautiful" It was quite fun. Except that at 1230 chelsie looked liked she was gonna die... so she said we were leaving... It was a bummer until Robin told me her dad could drive me back there when she was leaving. So I stayed while my bestfriend left. It was her birthday and I ended up staying there without her. Meh... It was fun. I didnt have to spend any money either. People just buy you drinks... You guys need to get fake ID's (excluding Kels) because while i had an excellent time, I wish you guys were there. I am no longer as close to my bestfriends. At least not as much as before and I have gotten SO much closer to all of u. Where's the love came on and I was like... aww... and then i thought of you guys... CUZ THERES NO LOVE WITHOUT YOU! I was QUITE QUITE happy that they played some rock... it was great. I stopped going to the palace cus all they play is hip hop and R&B... Sometimes I wanna dance to some green day. So then it was decided I was getting driven home by, Havy (i think thats how its spelt) which was Robins Boyfriends Friend... I was a little nervous cuz while Robin was there I didnt know him, i had had a couple drinks, and i cant be as aware in the car when ive been drinking. i always think that if i am looking around more then the driver then the chance of us getting into an accident are significantly lower. I dunno. So I got back to chels' and she was fine. I was ready for sleep cuz it was 2 in the morning and i didnt have a fulfilling sleep the nite before. So i asked mike if i could sleep in his bed and to my surprise he let me. then this guy said he'd get a piece of ass out out me and i was like ummm no. And mike slept on the couch... He is far to nice to me though. He is acts completely different around me. Seriously the guy is a cocky bastard to everyone except me. for the most part anyway.
In short. I had lots of fun and I wish you all were there.
Oh and you all better be coming to my birthday party. Thats right. Ive started planing it. And you will all be pleased to know that I am Having it a CHELSIES. No satan for my birthday. And that also means we can all drink if we want. I am so happy. I love my fake ID. anyway... I shall be off, i suppose. YAY! STILL HAPPY!
ttfn, Jiggy from the block
PS... I was forced to listen to vibe and Get busy by Sean paul was on and there is a line that says "Just get Jiggy" i was so fucking happy! still am
peace yo'
Omg... type fucking in your blog then do a spell check. Em you'll get this. its mostly for you.


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