Monday, October 06, 2003

Hear I am. Its one in the am. I have been sleeping since 5. And i have just realized I missed Six Feet Under. And now I am sad. Its funny how when I really really need to sleep my majha wakes me, but when i dont really wanna sleep cuz it will cause me to wake up at one with no desire to go back to sleep, she doesnt wake me. Oh ya thats right, i live with psychos... for example: The car got taken away Saturday at approximately 3pm then given back at approximately 330. they cant make up theyre minds and it drives me insane. but since i am up and i am not going to be sleeping for a while i shall go and take a quiz... Love or Money? we shall see...

Hopeless Romantic

For richer? For poorer? It doesn't matter to you because you're the Hopeless Romantic. Whether your sweetie is an oil baron or a grease monkey, it's all about until death do us part.

Even if you haven't met "the one," you'll judge your soul mate by the love letters, roses, and foot massages — not the size of their bankroll. And even if their wallet is as fat as their sonnet collection, the toughest part of your relationship will be arguing over which charity to choose, who loves whom more, and who's the bigger Schmoopie. And if that diamond ring turns brass, no biggie — your love is totally not-for-profit.

True... and sad, all in one. (ixnay on the ootfay assagesmay)

So Josh broke up with Renee. This has kinda been bothering me, because when they first started dating i mentioned something along the lines of "when youre going to break up" and they both flipped out. This was before "Love" and Isaac. And when that happened i told them, youll see... you are too young to know what love is and how to deal with it. So now that they are "broken Up" i dunno what to think. Renee told me saturday morning that now she wonders what would have happened if we had dated like we were going to. That made me really sad, cuz then she wouldnt have had a beautiful baby. She knows exactly what to say to me to make me cry. Cry in a good way i suppose. I cry for her then she says how much better my life will be than hers. Then I cry more, because i know shes right. She has fucked up her life and I only hope that she makes it through. Ive realized that I cant really help her anymore and i hate it!!
i think im gonna go listen to sum music cuz i probably wont be sleeping...
ttfn, Jaryd


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