Thursday, October 27, 2005

its so hard not to blame him

i had a pretty freaking awesome day. i spent time and money today, and i think it was all worth it. i laughed a lot and as a result coughed a lot, but still, the pain was worth it.

i saw a small version of someone i went to highschool with, it made me sad.

i got a happy letter.

im going to see...... CHICAGO. BOOYAW. i love my momma.

i decided today that life is too short to not spend money on something that makes you feel that good. so i spent it... then snuck it into my house. lol. and i bought something that involves TWO of my favourite things... Shiny and Rainbow... sooooooooooooooo good.

the music selection at lunch was ummm... how do i say... depressing... Jan Arden, Gin Blossoms, Rod Stewart, etc, *sigh* and vomit.

ttfn, Jiggy...

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

everyday be pull


today was _______________ ........ lots of things.

tomorrow will be _________.

im excited to see a certain someone though. YAY!

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, October 24, 2005

"im the opportunity and you didnt jump on it" heh.

Tonight I got picked up in the lamest funniest way ever. I laughed the whole way home.

these are lame, dont do them while trying to pick up a girl.

1. if a girl has be writing the whole time shes somewhere, DO NOT approach her and ask if she has a pen. LAME

2. DO NOT ask her if she wants your number.

3. Comments about a womans eyes are LAME. mostly. well, "your eyes are very intriguing" = LAME.

4. DO NOT ask if she blogs. even though blogging is not lame, well, it can be, but asking at this time is LAME.

5. DO NOT leave the pen she gave to you to keep, so that you wouldnt have to be lame to another, at the table.

All in all it was totally lame, but coffee boy was in ear shot, so partially worth it.

i watched this documentary on this man who has a genetic disorder where his skin falls off. it wasnt like utterly depressing, i mean it was sad and everything, but the guy was so funny and just amazing. i dunno. i dont normally watch things like that, but it was well put together. he had a great sense of humour. i guess you'd have to, hey.

im going to bed...

ttfn, Jiggy

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Saturday night i feel the air is getting hot, like you baby.


sorry Lauryn, i left my msn on. i was at coffee with Rebecca and you will be proud of me, yet again... 2 times in a year? i must be sick or something... :P i have a quote for you by the way... but it will be included in the quote section, youll have to decipher it. he also called me sweety again *sigh*. and i asked Rebecca if it was different now that i was there and she said it was completely different. i should get a gold star or something ; ) im at work tomorrow but call me k! 291 3133 GAH!

last night my car went *cough*. my emergancy break works though! what a night. not like the song but just what a night. there are really no words. well, there are some, but i guess i shouldnt speak of them.

i have quotes for you.

" Wet clean up, shoes" > walmart after i dropped my slurpee...

"I love you, are the carrots ready?" > Six Feet Under

"I'm a 6'3 walking stick" > Tristan on why i keep him around when im drunk :P

"Size matters but not necisarily the length" > i dont think this one needs an explanation.

"I think all of your atoms are separating" > me commenting on Rebecca

"Every time i hear your voice i spin around" > no deciphering needed.

in the coffee shop tonight after a specific conversation this song played. well, sort of during it. it was the "dont you want me baby" song. hehe.

After the coffee shop Rebecca and i went dancing at Jimmy Deans. it was fun. theres so many memories of that place!

and now... i am home.

ttfn, Jiggy : )

Thursday, October 20, 2005

who else is gonna bring you a bottle of rain?

you know whats awesome. when youre eating a box of chocolate covered almonds, and you think this is my last on in this box. so i will save it for a few moments. then you eat it. and put down the box. then a couple of minutes later you shake it to make sure its empty and ALAS! the one that you thought was the last one is not because the REAL last one stuck to the side of the box. so you eat that one. Then you think, man im sure glad i shook it.

ttfn, Jiggy

Sunday, October 16, 2005

a break through has occured

AS IF THAT HAPPENED. WOW. FUCK. i dont even know how to comprehend this evening. i feel priviledged and shocked. i cannot believe that. seriously. you dont understand. this is the last thing i thought would happen. fuck.

on a different note...

AS IF THAT HAPPENED. WOW. FUCK. two amazingly awesome things happened in one night. GAH! i just did the happy thing. i havent done that in so long... do you know what the happy thing is? its basically that i cant keep still and all the energy in my body goes to my hands and then my hands dance together. a wonderful happy dance. im glowing. im so happy right now. god. im trying really hard not to blow both events out of proportion. *SIGH*... i wonder what he writes... im just gonna stop now. no im not......................

ttfn, Jiggy... like really super Jiggy.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


im leaving tomorrow morning.

my lips hurt real bad...




ttfn, Jaryd... *sigh*

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

an uncontrollable twitch

firstly, if i stand on my front lawn, i can see the field where the woman was sexual assaulted not too long ago. it makes me sick to my stomach.

secondly, i have no access to my email or msn, so if you would like to speak to me, you probably have to use that thing we avoid like the plague. ya thats right, ring ring.

thirdly, i would ask how today went with the office thing, but its late and i have no msn.

fourthly, i really like this song.

When Love And Hate Collide
Def Leppard
Album: Vault

If you could ever change your heart
If you would only change your mind
Instead of slammin' down the phone girl
For the hundredth timeI
got your number on my wall
But I ain't gonna make that call
When divided we stand baby, united we fall
Got the time, got a chance, gonna make it
Got my hands on your heart, gonna take it
All I know, I can't fight this way
2-You could ever change your heart
If you would only change your mind
Cause I'm crazy about you baby
Time after time
1-Without you, one night alone
Is like a year without you baby
Do you have a heart of stone?
Without you, can't stop the hurt inside
When love and hate collide
I don't want to fight no more
I don't know what we're fighting for
When we treat each other baby
Like an act of war
I can tell a million lies
I would come as no surprise
When the truth is like a stranger
It hits you right between the eyes
There's a time and a place and a reason
And I know I got a love to believe in
All I know, got to win this time
(rpt 1, 2...crazy, crazy)
Without you, one night alone
Is like a year without you baby
Do you have a heart of stone?(rpt 1)

ttfn, Jaryd

Friday, October 07, 2005

i held your hand through all these years

well... i have just finished two 12 hour work days... ill see all the money in a month... i keep telling myself that. Ive had a rough week, but i shall tell you about the highlights. I wrote my initials on the corner of 12th ave and 5th street in wet cement. hehehe. i saw a man... a seemingly straight man, in the tightest white pants i have ever seen with a geraldo riviera mustache. he walked the stiff pants walk. i found out that someone i had already known for a day i had known for over a year. today in the car (this is not really the same topic, just a statement) i heard my immortal on the radio, then i changed the station and heard, breathe, and changed it again and heard lightening crashes. a rain drop fell in my eye today. i saw a choo choo train. i grew up more this week than any other week before. ever. i am sleepy. im going away. i saw a dear friends heart break, then made her laugh her belly laugh. missed a puddle.

ttfn, Jiggy.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

i looked at a dying flower the whole time

how is it possible to fight with someone for over an hour and have nothing solved. have none of your concerns acknowledged. i just bow down to terms because "thats the right thing to do". why do i that?

ttfn, Jaryd