Tuesday, August 16, 2005

no takers?

i... am so... sick.... i pray... for wellness... by thursdays... please for the love of everything sacred let me be able to go to Tutfest... so sick. gah.

i have a second goodbye barbeque this weekend. who decided that the best way to say goodbye to someone was at a barbeque? im crossing my fingers that i wont cry at this one... we'll see, ill probably cry after. or just later in general. rarr.

yesterday evening blew. but I went over to Kristys for many hours before i had to return to work. i dont remember if i mentioned that in my last posty, but whatever, it was still fun :) yay!

sorry i didnt answer my phone.. it was downstairs and i was in the hottub...

its so close.... it will almost work. ALMOST.

ttfn, Jiggy...


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