Monday, August 29, 2005

you are so predictable...


today i had a split shift. i worked from 8-11 then went to fountain tire to get my tires fixed. it took 2 hours, so i hung out in the mall for an hour, then went outside and sat on a bench for the other half. i wrote an angry something while listening to music. it was good times. then i went home for a bit and discovered that Our Lady Peace is in town on the seventh... who wants to go with me? DO IT! ld;fjlajsdfl;ksjdl;fskfjl.ajsk.jlfd. if i have to i will go by myself, but i would rather go with someone :D the tickets are $25... anyway, then i went back to work, which was interesting. one of the tills crashed so i had to call the pos help desk... the guy on the other end was talking to me and he told me it would take awhile to re boot the system etc. when you call this help place you have to give them your name, position, store number, etc. so we were waiting for the computer and he asks me how the weather is in calgary. then he tells me his life story and asks if i know his friend who is "popular"... long story short, eww, i feel violated. so la dee da i close the store and i see that there is a message on my cell phone. it was from someone i didnt expect to hear from ever again. and as such, hahahaha, i win, etc and so forth. heh. people are funny.

im supposed to be leaving this weekend... but uh... i have no information. i would really like some info soon so that i can prepare... please :)

ttfn, Jiggy

Thursday, August 25, 2005

does anyone have any cowbell?

i am sick. i know exactly where i got it from. it was like outbreak on chestermere lake last weekend. mind you it was totally worth it. i went to bed early and slept in. it was awesome. by which i mean please dont call me lame.


ttfn, Jiggy

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

though im closer to wrong im not further from right

i havent felt this lonely since my brother left.

if i hear a specific phrase one more time, i dont know what ill do.

the end. fuck.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Everything is a blur...

seriously this weekend, blurry. i know that i had fun. i know that the cloud of ass did appear, i expected it to. so we'll talk about that later. not really sure what im gonna say, but i know ill be upset about it. OH! heh. sorry, random thought. friday i slept in my car for 2 hours (5am t0 7ish) then woke up and said, fuck this, and drove home to sleep in my own bed. saturday i helped my parents pack up the trailer and took somethings out of the trailer for my trip. then i went to a bbq that i couldnt stay too long at. *sigh* i did not cry. ok well i cried before so that i wouldnt cry there. saturday night was fun as well. fun and still with the assness for a bit but it passed. sorta. i think sunday was my favourite day. ya know what, they were all so different that i cant put anyone higher than the other. specific parts were awesome, others not so much. i did do some writing everyday though. so thats happy. in my new book too. happy happy. tonight, i said goodbye and see you at Christmas. i may or may not have issues with abandonment... so this blows. im really really happy, but at the same time, *sigH*. ya thats right, capital H. i dunno. im going to bed. my arm hurts. i have mosquito bites. im sleepy.

L to the auryn, so much for mucho explanation of each others weekend. i hope your having/you had (depending on when you read this) an awesome weekend ; ) schwanky! and DAMN we need to talk. word, etc.


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Some days I make it through...

I had another day of work where i wanted to kill a co worker. its good times. rarr

i feel a little better. i think i shall be just peachy for tutfest.

the sister of her has contacted me now. go away. go go! now!

i had a crazy dream last night... holy hell. ill have to tell you about it sometime, i think ive decoded it. its a good one though. nice and mixed up too. i feel much better now that ive talked about it.

OH! i saw the video for Just Want You to Know... ITS SO FUNNY! IM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! by the way, 7 years ago on the 17 of august the backstreet boys were in town for their second concert. oh ya. i actually cant remember how long ago that was. if it was 7 or more... hmm... but i do know it was on the 17th of august. heh.

ttfn, Jaryd

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

no takers?

i... am so... sick.... i pray... for wellness... by thursdays... please for the love of everything sacred let me be able to go to Tutfest... so sick. gah.

i have a second goodbye barbeque this weekend. who decided that the best way to say goodbye to someone was at a barbeque? im crossing my fingers that i wont cry at this one... we'll see, ill probably cry after. or just later in general. rarr.

yesterday evening blew. but I went over to Kristys for many hours before i had to return to work. i dont remember if i mentioned that in my last posty, but whatever, it was still fun :) yay!

sorry i didnt answer my phone.. it was downstairs and i was in the hottub...

its so close.... it will almost work. ALMOST.

ttfn, Jiggy...

As clear as the sun in the summer sky, it's more than a feeling

OH MY GAD DO IT!!!! september 12th

im thinking yes.............................................

i had a split shift at work. im sure you'd all LOVE to hear about that! ill give you the short version, im a terrible chit chatty bitch. the end!

ttfn, Jiggy

Sunday, August 14, 2005

seriously, its affecting my health.

1. the word "just" has terrible connotations... but i do have incredible self control... i did not beat a ho. nor did i call the popo.... yo.

2. its sad cuz it didnt have to be this way. theres nothing else i can say on this matter.

3. i saw a shooting star last night. at the perfect moment. how is it that i always see the first one? there werent anymore after that, so i can only take that as a sign. im starting to consider the option that i am slowly going crazy and that im seeing things. cuz stuff like that is happening more and more. but it was so bright and so colourful. we were on that hill and it seemed so close. like i could touch it. pure beauty. its instilled in my memory, the waterfall, a caring friend, and then a shooting star. absolute perfection. the wish was even better, but i cant tell you about it. its a secret.

4. i cant stop shaking. i thought its cuz i was cold, but now i am warm... and the shakes have progressed to something different... i feel... i dont know. my whole body aches. its unpleasant.

5. "it used to be entertaining, but now he doesn't perform as well"

6. "it looks like the sky has snow stuck on it"

7. "i'm your daddy" *Brandon passes out like a senile drunk*

8. "it only took 2 fucking years"

9. now that i talked about the end ill talk about the beginning, i win. i always do. i have made people proud and hopefully i will continue to do so.... or else i may drive some people mad. "you have to do something about that boy"... right.

10. i forgot to tell you something about after your play and also, thanks for the back tickling : ) love.

ttfn, Jaryd.....

Friday, August 12, 2005

it was just ass right away.

that is all. today was mostly ass. not the beginning part, but probably from 1230 on... Margaret Cho makes me happy. i had much fun last nite and breakfast this morning was tasty. yay! on a different note, "call the popo ho!" funny stuff.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005

I Dance to Forget

1. when someone says I am happy, or I am going to, or something like that, in my head ive been adding, you're also an asshole... would you say thats normal?

2. apparently i got an awesome compliment from a guy awhile ago, and it basically went in one ear and out the other... when i was reminded it was nice though, lol.

3. i feel betrayed

4. i wrote 3 pages in my book today while on my break at work.

5. i never want to talk about this one topic. i can only sit so long and let another person blab on about it. they dont know how much it pains me to think about. and then when i say i dont want to talk about it, theres a problem with me not wanting to talk about it. i function just fine without talking about everything ive suppressed from my childhood. thank you, i dont want to talk about it and we dont have to fucking talk about it like you know what your talking about. you know nothing, leave it alone.

i am going to go catch up on some sleep i missed last friday. i cant function like this... or that.

ttfn, Jaryd

Monday, August 08, 2005

Artistic Output

So these are a reflection of some of my addictions: coldplay, Rent, and Tegan and Sara and some others too...

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i have been decieved. im ashamed to say it, but i have been, stupid people and their misnaming of music on illegal downloading programs!

i love random text messages... they make my day!

*sigh* decisions decisions...

i am afraid.

ttfn, Jiggy

Friday, August 05, 2005

you're so blind, you can't save me this time

I have recently been becoming more focused. I talked to Doug yesterday. Its hard for me to make eye contact with him because its like his eyes dont end. they just keep going on forever. Ive been trying to force myself to making eye contact. hopefully one day i will be able to look at him and have an intriguing conversation without freaking out and turning away. i do that with most people. so its not that different i guess... it feels different though. I came home after getting my nails done a few days ago and my mom was all like i saw something on tv that reminded me of you and Doug. it was "when the student is ready, the teacher will be there". he has the potential to teach me great things. things that i will be able to use and help other people with but am i willing to let him? i should. i mean it couldnt really hurt. and it would be really intersting. hes always very cautious about not overloading me with information too. ive found that in the past when i have to much to take in i just shut down and loose all interest in the current subject. Ive finished reading my numerology report. its disgustingly accurate. its inspired me though. im not at liberty to say how, just know that im feeling very inspired and cleansed of everything old and stupid. i still have more cleaning to do, but im soooo much better now. and i have something to think about! i hate when everything is just how you think it is. now i have something to ponder and search for. YAY!

ttfn, Jiggy

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

vision versus dream

so, i worked all day then i got my nails done (YAY!) and i talked to Doug about dreams again, and the significance of waking up singing a song, cuz that happenes to me a lot. then he made me my personal astrology report... its a booklet. people pay lotsa money for that, and he did it for me for free. hes a fascinating man. he leads with his heart. i can tell. he told me again that i could be a reader. he reads me every second im there. i can tell... so anyway, i have a couple books to read and my report thingy... should be fun! after that i went to see Kristy and Hayley. they are both well, which makes me happy :)

that is all...

ttfn, Jiggy

Monday, August 01, 2005

16 shooting stars, a blanket and a sash...

Pre decided entry: Do you ever just breathe in and then when youre exhauling feel like theres this huge rock pulling down your heart? I do. all the time.

On a different note: when someone says that they will spend the rest of their life making it up to you, what the fuck are you supposed to say. i mean, i dont even know anymore. i know that im tired of crying about it and i wish she would just go away. is that too much to ask, just to be left alone? it rarely affects me anymore and then out of the blue theres a message from her. i cant tell if she means it or if shes pulling me back in. im just not strong enough to deal with her yet, to process things in a way that my concious mind can pick up whats bullshit and whats real. does real even exist, in any sense? we assume that we know the real from the fake but we've all been taken. and this feeling that i get whenever someone mentions her, or she messages me, has to go away. i cant take it. fuck.

ttfn, Jaryd