Tuesday, June 14, 2005


so i wrote 4 pages in my journal tonite. it was good. i feel better. then i read my cards. its all there. thats annoying and good all in one, mostly annoying right now though and also sad.

i have the other half of my english diploma to write/read i guess then im done for now.

im worried.

I have to wait.

im tired.

im going to go watch the rest of the movie i started, by that i mean, make sure that my new favourite show is one that i have seen, then finish that movie.

i saw the sisterhood of the traveling pants today. *sigh* im refering to it as the whore pants movie. and also, Rebecca and i have decided that everytime we go see a movie we will pick our next one. it will be the lamest titled movie in the previews. this time its "must like dogs". ill letcha know how it is : )

ttfn, Jiggy

PS: i like talking to you before i go to bed. *hint hint, nudge nudge, if you like, either way*

its getting hard to be here. really hard.


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