Thursday, May 12, 2005

You have a lot more lost time to make up for...

Its as though we all have ice cream scoops, we carry them around with us and use them with our words and actions. We take little chunks of the people around us and sometimes we dont even know that we've cut a part of them out. It's like you just go up to someone and simutaneously scoop into their flesh while you say your peice, then you leave and the person is standing there saying, "Hello! Can i have my flesh back!" To which we respond, "Oh my! Terribly sorry to have taken your meat from you, here you can have it back." Only you cant give it back. Once it is ripped it cannot be repaired and we will always be thinking in the back of our minds, "Man, that guy/girl has a chunk of my skin, asshole/bitch!"

So, there is no need to give out spoons, they already have them.

On that note, i started off having an alright day. i got called into work, as usual, and i was a little late, but i called so thats all good. so work was alright too, nothing to eventful. By which i mean i got into an arguement with my mother before work about going out afterwards. it was frustrating, cuz i had to go to work. but i successfully put it behind me on the drive there. the cigarrette helped too. so anyway, i was instructed to call home at my break to "discuss" the issue further. Luckily when i called they didnt answer, so i went on about my day. Then after work, i decided to call. 20 minutes later, i want to break everything i can see. Then plans changed and since i was over there i read in a park. then it rained. it was a fitting end to a terrible day.

ttfn, Jaryd.


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