Wednesday, June 08, 2005

* My Engish Teacher cried today. It was sad. She read us this song at the end of class about a boy jumping off the roof because he thought he could fly and he continued to do so until he was really old. (note: her husband is paralyzed) and then she told us to run and jump while we still can. it was heartbreaking.

*Lauryn Darling, feel better, a poem for you, it will probably make you feel worse, but still for you and that other reason.

Infinite Beasts by Rhona McAdam

From time to time I wathc you closely, with new eyes
appreciating how much of you I haven't seen

and I'm no longer sure whether it's what I know of you
that attracts me, or what I might find

When we met, I thought knowledge had its limits, that in love
we were finite beasts who shared known boundaries

but watching you touch objects for which I have no desire
I see a measure of longing in your eyes

that forces me to say. I don't know you yet. That forces me
to say, there are places in you I may not wish to know.

In love we are beasts of infinnity, crude in our longing
for things that may carry us apart. It's more than biology

or romance, more than drawing thorns from feet
with gentled fangs, more than all we have been told;

it's finding a reason to come together
without kidding the wildness we each carry

like a gift we haven't decided to share
and hold inside ourselves with only the edges showing.

*I ended my English class with an 85%

*A boy asked for my phone number today, tee hee.

*I've been writing down what i remember from my dreams every morning for the past weekish. ya thats right, weekish, but this morning i couldnt remember anything... perhaps its the way i woke up, late. tomorrow is another morning.

*I went out for cofee with Dusting this evening after work. I missed him. He always asks me the same question though. And i always ask him who hes impregnated this time. its funny.

ttfn, Jiggy

*PS: I had a ppretty good day.


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