Wednesday, June 01, 2005

im lost in a wonderment that you dont even see.
im conflicted with every decision i make,
or dont.
the person i love moves farther away.
but i am not in love.
so look at me with sceptical everything.
eyes hands and soul.
nothing you do can convince me
i am not in love.


i had a day
where people saw through me
like water
something was highlighted
on my face
and in return were smiles
do you know whats written
on my face i mean
am i that transparant
to a world of women
women who wish
whats on my face
was written on
their own.


a fight with tears
a nap and a half
the story for the
the tears will win
they always do
only because we choose
to sacrifice everything
before taking nothing
we live here for
freedom of anything
but love
and loss
and pain
we are not free.

do do do

but full of colour
definately possible
with such engagement
do they know
i dont think i do
perhaps i dont want to
one day this theory
of mine
will transcend to the sky
and fall back on me
like a brick wall of rain
crushing my existance
good times await.

ttf n, Jiggy

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