Thursday, June 23, 2005

Note: this greeting is not flattering just annoying. "hey Sexy". stop that, not that you read this anyway, but if Ian found out he would kick your fucking ass. Stop it! Rarr.

I finished before mentioned painting. it looks accurate actually. i was a little surprised. i dont know what to do with it now. part of me wants to rip it up, lol. only because something with that much anticipation behind it should not exist for too long. perhaps i will create the same memory except in an abstract form, then rip them both up. not really though, i dont think i have to strength to rip a painting thats half decent.

YOU! I miss you!

i had a lovely time in Kensington today. I miss you and even though we missed parts, its all there.

On the way home I heard "Lost Together" by Blue Rodeo, its my favourite of theirs. it made me smile.

ttfn, Jaryd


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