Sunday, June 19, 2005

Dear Jaryd, Here is your horoscopefor Sunday, June 19:
Looking to someone else to stand up for you just ain't gonna cut it. Figure out exactly what you want and need, and get it yourself. Once you reach for it, it'll be closer than you think.
i would much prefer if others stood up for me, its so much nicer than confronting others, or yourself. Theres nothing wrong with that. ok fine!

I saw a church sign today. "Redemption: God's recycling program". there are no words.

So Ickies was much fun. The most beautiful couple in the world were there, Caroline Cave and Edward Belanger. Im glad the party went well too, as far as i know it went well...

then i went to work. *sigh* i was so tired. so when i got home instead of sleeping i went out for dinner with my old possee, as Jolene would call them, who i never get to see all together anymore and we celebrated Ian's birthday. I cant believe i will have known and been friends with Ian and Dustin for seven years as of September. *sigh* after that, instead of sleeping i did something else. I stacked my stereo with mystery cd's and painted for five hours. as a result im still tired and i have to finish the last one because its been on my to do list to paint it for a while now. almost a month, wait make that 2 months. the moment is burned into my memory. Its sorta goes along with that idea i had to expand on, black thread. the painting and the poemy thing tie together. I hope it turns out.

ttfn, Jiggy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you didn't tell me Caroline was there! You really do have other things on your mind...

9:24 p.m., June 19, 2005  

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