Sunday, October 03, 2004

So... Yesterday i went out of town to visit my parents, i caught 4 fish! and released them all. ihad a pretty good time. Then i went to Dustins and hung out with Ian and Kels... also good times. Today i went to work. My given target for sales was $883 with each customer buying 3 things, i sold $2100 with each customer buying about 5 things. it was awesome. im having a good time. my feet dont want to kill me as much and i like the people i work with :) This little boy followed me around the store while his mom shopped. it was so cute, he clung to me. literally wrapped himself around my leg. lol. his mom was like, "youre flirting with the ladies already!!!" so cute... thats pretty much it...

The Killers Rock ASS...

ttfn, Jaryd


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