Thursday, May 27, 2004

Sup Homies. I quite enjoy the song, "The Reason" by Hoobastank... well because, "im not a perfect person"... ANd I wish to thank whoever Nylcaj is for... wait a minute. I think somethings going on around here!!! tee hee. sneaky sneaky.

Tomorrow Im taking my mom far far away. By which i mean out of town. To visit my uncle. It should be fun times. I havent seen him in a long time. And hopefully Jason will be there so we can chillax in the nillax... word

Speaking of the north, I cannot wait for summer, holy shit. It seems my good friend Cory has nothing to do and he wants to come visit me and go on the potential road trip!! HOW EXCITING IS THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im totally psyched...BOOYAW


I saw pervert tonite... it was good. The local actor i fawn over was in it. hes so freeking talented.

umm... ya... so uh... bye, i guess

ttfn, Jaryd


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