Sunday, May 30, 2004

So, tonite Jolene comes back. I dont really have anything to say about it, besides the fact that shes porbably mad at us, cuz she hasnt called since the day after she left. Maybe shes too busy hanging out with people who enjoy her company. All i have to say to that is, They dont live with her. But, nonetheless, i hope she had a good trip.

Im rather excited about grad. It should be fun. And how could it not, because i get to dress up pretty and ride in a shiny car. Hello. So much fun...

Ickies... Oh dear. I have so much to do. On the upside I have finished planning Mr. Jobb's thing from the grad 12's. Well most of it anyway, theres always the possiblility that something will change. But i feel a little better anyway. Now all i have to do is... well, everything else on my to do list.

This week im gonna be at the hospital most of the time, pretending to have asthma and such. Good times.

ttfn, Jaryd


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