Tuesday, May 25, 2004

I wish to comment on one single statement that i have always known to be false. And as soon as someone says it I feel this emence feeling whell up inside me and all of the sudden something stops. Because what if they just lied to me. What if they said this out loud to me and then accidently forget? And you cant know for sure. Its like an unpromised promise. I dont know about you but this has been said to me very frequently throughout my life. With the exception of a few, Its also been a lie. And i would rather have it never said to me than have it said and ignored.

"friends" vs Friends

are too busy for you
say they will call and dont
say its alright and its not
stab you in the back and expect you to forgive them
make you feel small

Call you for no reason but to say hello and i love you
Will wait for you until you are ready, emotionally and physically
write you
dream of you
support your decisions even if they dont agree
Are waiting for you when you decision falls through
are willing to work through a disagreement because they know it will better your friendship in the long run

walk away

come back

I wish to retract a statement made earlier. We are friends.

Still waiting...



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